¹⁶I can't believe it 𝘪𝘴 betrayal!

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chapter sixteen!
twenty-eight minutes before

❝ someone's fucking dying over here! 

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ALASKA WASN'T SURE WHO ELSE LUKE HAD TOLD ABOUT LEAVING, but she wanted to spend as much time with him as possible before potentially never being able to see him again.

Currently, they were at the sword-fighting arena—Luke was training on dummies with his new sword and Alaska was laying on the stage, watching clouds and making the occasional commentary.

They weren't talking much, but Alaska didn't care. She just wanted to be around him for as long as possible.

"Percy," Luke said, stopping his swing.

Alaska turned, still lying down, and saw Percy now standing in the arena as well.

"Um, sorry," he said, a little embarrassed. "I just—"

"It's okay," Luke said, lowering his sword. "Just doing some last-minute practice."

"Those dummies won't be bothering anybody anymore."

"We build new ones every summer," Luke said with a shrug.

"Shit," Alaska said, sitting up abruptly and catching the attention of the two boys. "Uh, sorry, I have to go to the Big House. You know, make sure I don't get eaten by any cleaning harpies."

"Oh, uh, yeah," Percy said.

She stood up and gave a small wave to the boys before making her way to the Big House. Chiron was inside near the pool table and Alaska gave them a warm smile upon entering.

"Staying year-round?" Chiron asked.

"Yep," Alaska said with a nod.

He nodded and Mr. D just grumbled something she couldn't exactly hear. She exited and made her way back to the sword-fighting arena.

The process was usually really quick and she wasn't even sure if she had to go through that this year; she had already told Chiron and Mr. D that she was staying year-round earlier when they were discussing her coming back to life.

When she made it back to the arena, she sighed in annoyance when she realized they had left. Luke's duffle bag was gone as well, meaning they probably left permanently.

They weren't anywhere else in the camp or else she would've seen them while she was making her way back, so she went to the forest and decided to explore—if she couldn't find them, at least she could ask a nymph if they had seen them.

GHOST OF YOU, luke castellanWhere stories live. Discover now