chapter nine // table for four?

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hihihi well enjoy this chapter, or at least try to because im like out of ideas and it really sucks so if you can message me some ideas for upcoming chapters please do! enjoy :)

(time has passed since the story started in 'september', it is now december)

december. it was finally december. december for me meant hot cocoa, snow, and winter break!

throughout the past three months, alison and i have grown closer than we ever thought we could, luke and i became the best of friends, alison and ashton were dating, and luke and alison were now fine with hanging around with each other. everything was perfect.

it was a saturday, which i thanked god for since i've been wanting to get through the school week so bad.

*classic iphone ringtone*

i check to see who's calling, and it's no surprise that it's ali.

"hey! what's up?" i say with enthusiasm. "nothing really, which is why im calling you. guess what!?" she says like an excited little kid. "let me guess, ashton asked you out on another date?" i say sarcastically since ashton is all she's been talking about recently, but i don't blame her. "well yeah, but he wants you and luke to come!" she says, i can almost hear her smiling. "ali, im not sure if you know this but me and luke are just friends." i say, not wanting to let the words escape my mouth since i wanted us to be more than 'just friends'. "just come with us 'as friends', it'll be fun!" she says. "yeah bu-" "we'll pick you guys up at 7." she says cutting me off.

i groan in frustration and since it's 5, i head to the shower.

right before i step foot into the bathroom my phone goes off.

luke: hey, did alison tell you about the thing?

me: yeah, she did.

luke: well alright, just wanted to make sure you knew :)

me: alright luke, see ya later.

i shower and once im done, i wrap myself into my towel and look for an outfit. the only question on my mind was, 'is the place formal? fancy? casual?'

me: where exactly are we going?

ali: the grand lux cafe!

hm that name rings a bell. but where did i once hear about it?

oh yeah! it's the place luke took me to on our.. date, and this place is definetly fancy. which was a bummer since i would normally wear jeans and a t- shirt.

i rushed to my closet and picked out a plain black tight dress, a black knitted cardigan, stockings, and some random black flats that i barely ever wore. i left my hair natural and waited for ali to pick me up.

"aw sweetie! you look beautiful." my mom says, startling me since i didn't know she woke up from her nap. "aw thanks mom." i respond. "where exactly are you going though honey?" she questions. "ali wants me to go on some double date with her." i say, knowing what she'd say next. "oh god, is it with luke!? he seems really nice!" she says, being happy for me. "yeah haha but we're just friends mom." "well alright hun, have fun. im going to go shower." she says before hugging me.


knowing that it's ali, i open the door before yelling "bye mom!" and get into the car.

"hey, you look amazing!" ali says.

"yeah, you look.. beautiful." luke adds.

"aw thank you guys, so do you." i respond.

once we arrive to the grand lux cafe, luke opens the car door for me and ashton does the same for ali.

ahead of luke and i were ali and ashton holding hands. of course it made me jealous since i had nobody's to hold, and that's just about when i felt somebody's fingers intertwine with mine. turning around, i saw luke's face and smiled.

"table for four." ashton says to the waiter.

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