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crossword is the second piece of writing i've ever finished, but gods, it was so hard to write. for three drafts, i struggled with jun and yen's story. writing a hundred words took me an hour - and this is coming from someone who can write 2.4k action scenes in that same amount of time.

i've never written romance nor a short story, and this result is the child of dialogue and description, both of which are my weaknesses. i can only hope i've done their story justice.

this is set in singapore, and it hits close to home, because it's the first time i'm writing about my culture. everything jun and yen do and eat are actual things you can do in the lion city, and writing this brought back so many childhood memories. (i've also consumed way too many bottles of yakult throughout the process.)

still, i couldn't have made it through without a few people. to krissyyoon - thank you for being an absolute inspiration. to 슬기로운 의사생활 (hospital playlist), r1se, 快把我哥带走 (go brother) and 冰糖炖雪梨 (skate into love), for being motivation and for teaching me how to be a person.

and, of course, to you. ultimately, books without readers would not make authors. thank you for sticking with jun and yen's journey.

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