Fubuki Shirou x Gouenji Shuuya x bullied female reader

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TW: bulling,Cussing, beating, almost rape
Y/n's p.o.v.
I was walking down the halls of my school to get to get to the back of the school. I usually ate there because no one really talks to me beside Endou and the others. The only ones that truly know me are Shuuya and Shirou. They had mid day practices which is rare but I don't mind I like the silence. I sighed and walked over to the tree I always leaned against. Hey weirdo, B/n said. She walked over to me and pushed me to the ground. I dropped my bag and hit the ground with a hard thud. Her gang was behind her. They started to kick me and beat me. B/n kicked me in my stomach. GAH, I coughed as I puked up blood. They continued to beat me. Then they dragged me to the restroom and beat me senseless. HELP! I cried. She coved my mouth, that's a bad girl, she whispered. I think we should have some fun. She said. All of you go and make sure no one comes in here. She said. They nodded. She pinned me to the wall and started to lick my neck. I tried to push her away. She bit my neck. LET GO OF ME!! I screamed. She put her hand under my shirt and tried to take my bra off. I kicked her off of me and ran out of the restroom. I ran and ran until I ran into someone. We fell to the ground. Y/n what's wrong, I opened my eyes and saw I ran into Shuuya. He sat up. Endou and the others were beside us and Shirou kneeled down beside Shuuya. Y/n what's wrong? He asked gently. Their gonna their gonna, damn it speak right, I shouted at myself. I clung to Shuuya and wouldn't let go. I was shaking I cried into the crook of his neck. Y/n, they whispered. Keep them away from me please, I whimpered. You mean- Endou trailed. I nodded. They knew they messed with me but they didn't know they would go so far as trying to rape me. My eyes grew heavy and I passed out.
Shuuya's p.o.v.
Shirou took Y/n out of my arms and Endou helped me stand. Gouenji Fubuki take her to the infirmary we'll get the teachers. Endou said. We nodded and made our way to the infirmary. Shirou opened the door and the nurse was sitting at her desk. Ah Gouenji-Kun Shirou-Kun what can I do for you? She asked. She saw Y/n oh dear they beat her again, she said. We nodded. She sighed poor girl, she motioned for me to set Y/n on the bed. I set her on the bed and the nurse started to wrap her body in bandages and she lifted Y/n's shirt to revile her stomach. It was dark blue and purple. She got an ice pack and rested on Y/n stomach. I'll call your father Gouenji, she said. I nodded and Shirou sat beside Y/n in the chair. I'll be back, the nurse said. We nodded and she left the room. I sat beside Shirou in the other chair. Y/n stirred slightly. Her eyes opened slowly.
Y/n's p.o.v.
My eyes opened slowly. My whole body ached and it felt like someone stabbed me in the stomach. Y/n, I heard Shuuya and Shirou whisper my name. I turned my head to face them. They had tears in their eyes. Don't cry you two, I whispered. They nurse stepped back into the room. Your father is on his way Gouenji, the nurse said. Shuuya nodded.
30 minutes later:
The door was opened by Shuuya's father. Gouenji-San Shirou said. He walked over to us. Y/n Shuuya's going to have to carry you. He said in a gentle voice. He's kind around us. Not always but in situations like this he is. I nodded. The nurse removed the ice pack. Shuuya lifted me gently. I winced. I let my head rest against his chest. Shirou went to get our bags and everything. The nurse was helping him. Shuuya carried me to the car. He set me in the set and put the seat belt on my trying to keep it slightly loosened. Shirou got on the other side. After putting our things in the back. I leaned against Shuuya. My eyes closed and I fell asleep.
At the house a few hours later:
My eyes opened and I was in my room. I couldn't move though my body was in agony. Shuuya and Shirou were re wrapping my body. Shuuya was putting bruise cream on my stomach as Shirou wrapped my arms and legs carefully. Y/n how bad do you feel? Shuuya asked. I'll be alright it just hurts, I whispered. Yuuka wants to see you Y/n, Shuuya said I told her when you woke up if you wanted she was sad but she understood. She can come in here, I replied. He nodded. He closes the bruise cream and went to get Yuuka after he washed his hands. Yuuka ran into the room and climbed onto the bed and sat beside me. Hey Yuuka, I said. Y/n-nee are you okay now? She asked. Not yet but I will be, I said softly. I lifted my hand and petted her head. Yuuka I know you just got in here but me and Shirou need to talk to her okay? Shuuya asked. Yuuka nodded. K! She said and left the room. I smiled softly. Shirou finished wrapping my arms. Y/n were not going to leave you alone again we're going to protect you, they both said. We love you to much to see you hurt like this. We love you, they said. Love you too, I replied. They kissed me softly on my forehead and hugged me. I hugged back. I wouldn't change a thing for the world. I thought and I meant it always will mean it no matter what.

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