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+ aera.

jaehyun.. im gonna pee myself.i shift on my feet nervously. jaehyun chuckles beside me as a hand lands on my shoulder, relax. she's gonna love you.

i didn't overdo my makeup, did i? raising my phone, I turned it on to check myself on the front camera. the man beside me shakes his head, no. you look lovely, like always. this is not the time to let my heart go to any more haywire because of jaehyun's daily compliments so i roll my eyes, acting like what he said didn't affect me and continued to tap on my cheeks for more blush. am i overdressed? or underdressed? i asked again, hands immediately smoothing my dress. jaehyun took my hand and and held it firmly, aera, you look amazing.I groan because im really nervous and partially because im fighting the urge to smile at his actions. is my hair okay? is it not messy?jaehyun rolls his eyes but the smile on his lips never left, you're perfect.

“jaehyun, cant you just answer me properly?” i deadpan, “it's true though!” he argued, looking at me innocently.

That's when the door swung open, revealing a smiling woman, jaehyun!! she beams as I let go off Jaehyun's hands, grandma.. jaehyun greets, crouching down a little to hug the elder. She kissed jaehyun on the cheek and forehead lovingly as jaehyun laughs. my heart flutters at the sight infront of me, finding the whole thing cute and heart-warming.

hello to you, dear..she smiles at me, letting go of jaehyun. jaehyun stands beside me again and puts a hand on the small of my back, grandma, this is Aera.. i bowed, showing respect but what she did surprised me, she pulled me into a hug and cups my face afterwards,“you look so much prettier in person than in photos.” she chuckles, looking at me fondly, pleasured to meet you, maam. i squeeked as she smiles, it's so nice to meet you and please, none of those 'maam' business. just call me 'grandma', hmm? i nodded, smiling at her as she  lets go off my face, reaching for my hand instead, let's go inside..

Hours later and I found myself standing beside jaehyun's grandmother on the kitchen, no wonder jaehyun fell for you. you're beautiful, kind and knows how to cook. she muses as she looks over at me while im cooking, ah, i used to watch my mother when I was young. she nodded and smiles at me, jaehyun made a good choice to marry you.i stilled, utterly in shock because none of us told her we're married. Grandma laughs heartily, the ring gave it away.. i looked down as I felt my self blushing, don't worry, i like you. i smiled at her, suddenly feeling happy that she's okay with me, but im hurt that you never invited me. she pouts and I panicked, concerned that she's really hurt about it but a manly voice resonated, don't worry grandma, the first was just civil. we'll have a second proper wedding and of course, you're going to be there. jaehyun smiles as he takes a sit at one of the highchairs. Grandma nodded excitedly, i like the sound of that..second wedding? and a proper one? jaehyun's really going to be the cause of my death. him and his casual flirty remarks.

go home safely, okay?grandma reminds us as she walks us to the door, jaehyun, drive carefully. she sternly spoke, looking at jaehyun with wide eyes. jaehyun laughs as he kissed her cheek, i will, don't worry. she then turns to me, take care of yourselves, hmm? i nodded, smiling at her. take care of yourself too, grandma.i remind her too as she laughs loudly, i like it when you call me grandma.she pinches my cheek softly, visit me again when you have free time. jaehyun and I nodded, of course. she reaches for our hand, her right hand holding mine and the left was holding jaehyun's hand, treat each other right.. we bid our 'see you soon' and let her close the door before we head for the car.

you're unusually quiet. jaehyun pointed out, briefly glancing at me while driving, hmm? really?

yeah? are you tired? you can take a nap and i'll wake you up when we arrive.

no. i was just thinking..

care to share?

do you really mean that? i quietly ask, looking at the windows as I don't want to have any eye contact with jaehyun, mean what?

you know... the s-second wedding. i cleared my throat. hell, why did i said that?

I waited for an answer but the seconds stretched and I was greeted by silence except for the car's engine so I turned to look at jaehyun, why are you so red?i blurted, raising a brow at jaehyun as he remained silent, jaehyun, i asked you.. i tried to sound serious despite the obvious joy on my voice. stop! you're making me shy. he mumbles, trying to cover his face using his one hand while the other is holding the wheel. what? im not doing anything. i chuckled, now suddenly brave enough to stare at jaehyun. jaehyun, i asked you a question...

i mean, if this goes well.. and if you want it too.. i hum at his answer, i want to what?i teased further.

do a second wedding..?he quietly mumbled.

I thought about that idea for a brief moment and I found myself smiling widely, it's not now yet but like, if this goes well.. are you down for it?jaehyun shyly asks, too shy to even look at me for a second.

a second wedding with you? i questioned as his eyes flicker at my direction, why not?

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