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| 11:13 am

+ aera.

hello, how may i help you?the kind-looking female asks from the opposite side of the counter, briefly looking up from her monitor to give a smile at me, uh.. is Mr. Jung available right now?i awkwardly inquired, fiddling with the long strap of my sling bag. the female muttered, okay um, let me check..glancing down at her monitor once again, probably checking jaehyun's activities for today. ah, Mr. Jung is on a meeting right now, but it will be done in about fifteen minutes. i can call his assistant if it's urgent. she suggests meekly, halting the movement of her fingertips against the keyboard. i quickly shake my head, no, dont. it's okay really. but can i wait for him here at the lobby instead?she nods, muttering a small 'yeah,it's fine.'

Walking towards the seats, I can't help but to gape around the place. It wasn't my first time here, i've been here for a few meetings for the previous deals. But even if how many times i've entered here, the whole place doesn't fail to amaze me. The interior is really something, simple and neat but also straight out spells the words 'filthy rich'. The aura that surrounds feels like you're breathing professionalism and class.

My phone dinged, a message from Jaehyun showed on the notifications.

(11:16PM) From:  Jaehyun : save me :(( this meeting seems to have no end.

Me: im at the lobby, idiot.

Jaehyun left the message on seen, he's probably focusing on the meeting again. To kill time, i decide to scroll through Instagram, posts from my friends and mutual friends showed up.

hello miss, would you like some water? juice? or tea?someone spoke up so i tore my eyes from the screen, only to met the eyes that glints with mischievousness,his breathing's labored as if he'd just ran all the way here, oh, the meeting's finished already?i stood up as jaehyun nodded at my question, smiling hesitantly, um no. but we can have lunch now. he beams excitedly, grasping my hand in his and pulling me what do you mean by no

excuse me, Mr. Jung! a call was heard throughout the place as we were about to exit the building, almost passing by the reception area, a guy was jogging his way to Jaehyun who just raised a brow, you ran immediately after ending the meeting and forgot to sign these.. the guy clears his throat, gesturing to a couple folders in his other hand. I quickly withdrawed my hand from jaehyun's grip, allowing him to attend the papers.

Jaehyun looks at me briefly before taking my hand back in his, pulling me towards the white marble counter at the reception area. the guy placed the papers and pen on the counter as jaehyun removed his hands from mine and starts to fixate his signatures on some pages. i accidentally made eye contact with the female i conversed with earlier, who's currently looking confused. she smiled hesitantly at me and I found it so awkward so i did the same.

Just when he was about to finish signing, a girl approached us. jaehyun, it's been a while. she greeted, smiling widely.

thw girl looks so sophisticated with her red dress shirt and black pencil skirt paired with black heels. her hair was styled in a ponytail, giving a nice angle of her face, cat-like eyes, tall nose and lips covered in lipstick. why on Earth is she so gorgeous?

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