January 21, 2015: Jen's Birthday

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Yay, first update of 2015!! I hope everyone has had a lovely year so far... I have!
So, as some of you have probably been able to tell from the title... today is Jen's birthday. Finn's birthday was also on December 21, but as I had my Nutcracker that weekend, I wasn't able to post for it. I have decided to post for Jen's, though, since I have a snippet to share!!! I hope you all enjoy. :)
Happy Birthday, Jen. I may have created you with my own mind, but you still mean as much to me as any real person does, if not more. Thanks for being such a huge part of my life so far. <3
Jen and I don't sleep until 2:37. We stay up together, stroking each other's hair and giving each other gentle, comforting kisses and talking, even though talking takes a lot of effort. At 2:35, Jen and I situate ourselves so that we're next to each other on our stomachs, and I keep my phone on the pillow so that we can both see it when it turns 2:37. When it does, I peck her cheek, and she turns her head and fits a full, beautiful kiss to my lips.
"Happy nineteenth, my love," I whisper.
"Thanks," she says. "Here's to a year of knowing each other's existence."
I kiss her again, and she's even smiling. "Hey, you did it."
"Did what?"
The doctors didn't think you were gonna make it to nineteen," I say. "You did it."
"I guess I did," she says. She kisses me again, this time bringing her hand to my cheek to bring me closer. "But I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for giving me the best year of my life."
"And thank you for giving me mine. I'll have to give you a cookie or something later."
"I hope I'll have enough appetite to eat it." She giggles, and we share one last kiss before falling asleep.

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