Chapter 2

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Santana's POV

I got to school at like 7:50 looking totally bad ass in black skinny jeans, a light purple tank top, and a dark jean jacket.  I wandered around until I found the front office and told the receptionist lady that I was new.  "New as in new to the school because your a freshman? Or new as in new to Lima," she asked. "Um, both?" Her eyes got wide. "Oh I thought that you looked different, we don't normally have new people COME to Lima, most people just want to leave, everyone knows everyone here," she rambled. I just nodded my head not really listening. "So you must be..." She scanned the roster, "...BRITTANY! Yeah that's you right? Brittany S. Peirce?"  I narrowed my eyes, "Do I look like a Brittany? No. My name is Santana. Santana Lopez."  Two pretty blonde girls came over on either side of me. The one on the left side of me had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen.  They were the a stunning grey blue and I literally had to stop myself from staring.  As for the girl on my right, she had hazel green eyes and lightly curled hair, I assumed that she had some sort of nose job because it looked insanely perfect.  The stunning blue eyed one said, "Actually, I'm Brittany." The receptionist nodded and said, "Wow! So we have TWO new girls!"  The girl to the right of me interrupted and said "I'm new too. My name is Lucy Fabray." The front desk lady was clearly shocked and nodded her head. "Well that's wonderful! I can have one of our other freshmen show you around. They all had tours over the Summer." She quickly looked over the list of students and said, "I know JUST the person." Over the loud speaker she said, "Rachel Berry please come to the front office. Rachel Berry."

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