Chapter 4

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Santana's POV

We collapsed into a fit of giggles as soon as the bathroom door shut behind us.  As we fell on the floor, Brittany and I directed our gaze to Fabray.  "So," Brittany said. "How many names do you have Miss Lucy Quinn?"  Fabray looked hesitant to say anything and just when I was going to tell her to speak up she said, " my middle name.  Something...happened. At my old school.  All of my records say Lucy on them but I'm getting my name legally changed to Quinn soon.  Can you guys not mention the Lucy thing to anyone? Please?"  "Of course," Brittany said.  They looked at me and I nodded, "Sure don't see why not."  Quinn gave us a relieved smile.  "Thanks." 

We all stared at each other for a solid minute.  I finally spoke up, "So...what do you guys wanna do for the next...25 minutes before homeroom?"  The blondes seemed to have some silent telepathic conversation in the half second that followed my question because they turned toward each other and smiled before turning towards me and widening their grins. "Truth or Truth," they say in union.  I stare at them for a couple of seconds, their smiles never wavering. "Isn't it.. Truth or Dare?" They simultaneously shook their heads.  "Nope," Brittany said, "Truth or Truth is a different game. You play it exactly as it sounds. One person asks another person a question and you have to answer." Quinn nodded along enthusiastically. "Okay fine"  

S: "Why did you guys move to Lima?"

Q: "Um, like I said at my old school something happened that made me want to change my name. They..they um made fun of me for the way I looked. And they...they um.." mumbles something unintelligible. 

S: "What was that?"

Q: "Nothing just forget it."

S: Squints "Okayy if you say so."

B: "Okay I'm only telling you guys this because you guys totally seem like unicorns.  But please don't mention this to anybody. I was harassed at cheer camp by some guy. I was in my sleeping bag and BOOM alien invasion, I lost my virginity. 

Quinn and I stared at her in shock.  Brittany was only 14 and she was...raped?  Quinn scooted over to Brittany and wrapped her in a giant hug.  Brittany hugged her back.  While they were hugging Quinn looked over Brittany's shoulder and gave me a meaningful look and mouthed, "Get your ass over here."  I quickly complied and scooched over to the two blondes.  Quinn moved over to the side a little bit so that I could make it a group hug. It was actually...really nice.  After a little while Brittany scooched back. She wiped away a tear and said, "Okay enough with the sad stuff. Santana you never answered."

S: "Oh right. My dad got a new job."

B: "Where do you live?"

Q: "I live in a part of town called Lima Heights. Its pretty nice."

S: "I live in a place called Lima Heights Adjacent. We have a pretty big house but the neighborhood is SUPER shady."

B:  Thinks for a while  "I actually have no idea where I live.."

Q: "When did you move here?"

S:  "About a month ago."

B:  " Last month."

Q: "Me too."

S: "Okay wait so Brittany what did you mean when you called us unicorns?"

B: "A unicorn is somebody who knows they're magical and isn't afraid to show it.  Like me. I'm also a unicorn..maybe a bicorn."

Quinn and I looked at each other, choosing to ignore the comment that Brittany made about maybe being bi. If that's even what that was.  "So.. do you guys wanna keep hanging out," Brittany asked.  "I mean we already know a bunch of stuff about each other. And we're also like all super hot.  We could be unstoppable." I could tell that both Quinn and I were thinking about Brittany's offer.  We were both highly hated at our old schools and both distrusting because of those experiences.  On the other hand Brittany was right. We already knew shit about each other and I felt really drawn to them both. Plus Brittany doesn't seem like the type to turn on someone else. I liked that about her. Her innocence. And Quinn was basically a white version of myself. I respected that.  Fuck it. I needed some new friends. They might as well be hot.  "I'm down if Quinn is." We both looked hopefully at Quinn. She eventually responded, "Okay, I have a good feeling about you two." 

At that moment the warning bell rang for homeroom. We all gave each other a final glance before exiting the bathroom, which miraculously, nobody entered in the 25 minutes we were in there.  "SEE YOU GUYS AT LUNCH," Brittany yelled down the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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