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"Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right."

It was Halloween and the Great Hall was filled with chattering students, whilst Harry was eating he saw the 4 empty seats, "Where are the girls?" he asked, "Parvati Patil said that they wouldn't come out of the girls bathroom. She said that Everlay and Hermione had been in there all afternoon crying." Neville told the two, Harry glared at Ron who just shrugged. The Great Hall doors burst open and Professor Quirrell ran down the long room, "TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! Thought you ought to know." Quirrell yelled before fainting and falling to the floor. Soon enough everyone was screaming and yelling and running to the Great Hall doors, "SILENCE! Everyone will please not panic. Now... Prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeon." Dumbledore instructed.

In the girls bathroom, each of them were unaware of the troll down there with them, Jordan was asleep in a toilet stall, Kei was eating some food form her pocket, Hermione was locked in a stall still and Everlay was sat out doing homework. Hermione walked out wiping her eyes, she let the door shut behind her waking up Jordan, "Hermione, are you okay?" Kei asked, "Better now, yes. Everlay, are you alright?" "I'm okay, sis." Everlay put her books away, "Alright, want to head to the Great Hall?" Jordan asked, they all nodded and went to walk out when they saw a large troll standing there looking down on them. Hermione and Kei ran into a stall and locked it, while Jordan and Everlay ducked down as the troll swung its wooden bat, the troll smashed the toilet stalls making Hermione and Kei scream and fall down, "Hermione, Kei move!" Ron yelled, "Everlay, run over here." Harry waved his hands signalling her over, "Thank you, Harry." Jordan smiled sarcastically at her brother, Everlay and Jordan ran over Harry pushing Everlay behind him, Hermione and Kie began to crawl through the stalls but the troll hit it again knocking wood onto them, "Help!" they kept yelling, Harry, Ron, Jordan and Everlay were all throwing peices of wood at the troll to get it away from the girls, "Hey Pea brain!" Ron yelled and it looked at them, making Hermione crawl over to the sinks and Kei run to group, the troll saw Hermione and let out a loud growl before smashing the sinks, "Help!" Hermione yelled, Harry ran over and grabbed onto the bat but was somehow flung onto the back of the trolls neck, the troll began to move around trying to get Harry off and somehow Harry managed to stick his wand up the nose of the troll, "Ew!" Ron cringed, this made the troll grab Harry and hold him upside down, "Do something!" both Harry and Everlay yelled, "Why are you yelling?" Jordan asked Everlay, the troll swung at Harry but he pulled up missing it. "What?" Ron asked looking around, "Anything!" Harry yelled again as the troll swing, Ron used his wand and pointed it at the troll, "Swish and flick!" Hermione said to him, "Wingardium Leviosa." Ron casted and the bat stopped in mid air where the troll had last had it, and then dropped onto it's head knocking it out. "Uh, Harry? How are you going to get down?" Jordan asked, just as she said that the troll stumbled forward before falling to the ground unconscious, "He did it." Kei looked at Jordan who laughed, Harry stood up and pulled his wand out from the trolls nose and Hermione ran over hugging her sister. "Is it... dead?" Hermione asked, "I don't know, you're the smart one." Jordan shrugged, "No it's just knocked out." Harry wiped his wand, "It's not rocket science, J" Kei smirked at Jordan who shoved her shoulder.

Just then McGonagall and other teachers ran in, "Oh! Oh my goodness. Explain yourselves all of you!" McGonagall pointed to them, "Well--" "It's our fault, Professor." Everlay spoke up, "Miss. Grangers?" "We went looking for the troll. I'd read about it and thought we could handle it. But I was wrong." Hermione told them, "If they hadn't found us, we would be dead." Everlay looked down, "Be that as it may... it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part and I am very disappointed in both of you. 10 points will be taken from Gryffindor, for your lack of judgement. As for you four, I hope you realise how fortunate you are. Not many first years can take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. 5 points will be awarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck." McGonagall said and walked out. "P-Perhaps you ought to go. Might w-wake up." Quirrell ushered them out.

The next morning at breakfast they were all trying to get Jordan to eat, while Ron and Kei were there stuffing their faces and Hermione and Everlay were eating toast, Jordan was sat twirling bacon on her fork while Harry was deep in thought, "At least have so toast, go on." Ron said, "Yuh, yoh nee tho eath." Kei spoke with her mouth full, "They're right Jordan, you need to eat." Hermione nodded, "You're gonna need your strength today, we all do." Everlay told her, "I'm not hungry." Jordan spoke truthfully, "Good luck today, you three. Then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you... even if it is against Slytherin." Snape walked away, well Harry limped, "That explains the blood." Harry said, "Blood?" Everlay questioned, "Listen. Last night. I'm guessing Snape set a diversion so he could get past the three headed dog, but he got himself bitten. That's why he's limping." Harry explained. "But why would anyone want to go near that dog?" Hermione asked, "That day at Gringotts, Hagrid took something from the vault, said it was Hogwarts business, very secret." Harry told them about the day, "So you're saying..." "That's what the dog is guarding. That's what Snape wants." Harry nodded. The sound of owls came from behind, "Brodie?" "Veera?" "Snowy?" Jordan, Kei and Everlay all spoke as their owls flew in and dropped a package in front of each of them. "Bit early for mail, isn't it?" Hermione asked, "But I never get mail." Jordan smiled, "Let's open it." Ron smiled, Harry and Hermione helped Everlay, Ron and Seamus helped Kei and Fred and George helped Jordan (surprisingly). They all opened them and were shocked, "That's the Nimbus 2000. How did you get that?" Ron asked, "W-We didn't." Kei smiled. Jordan watched as the owls flew over to McGonagall who smiled at her, Jordan smiled back.

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