~1 Lost 1~

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Yeah I'm not gonna break the fourth wall like I did in The Ride of Your Life. Plain old A/Ns. I forgot to outline this one, but I'm actually pretty proud of this. It kinda rushed, but her ya go anyways.

Trigger Warnings: Character death, grief, apathy from the government

Word Count: 1522


The door to the room closed, and True sighed. She flopped down on her bed, staring at the platform that supported the bunk above her. She hadn't realized her roommate was home, until she heard shuffling from above.

"Hey Trucie!" an accented voice called from above her, and sure enough, her roommate's face looked down at her from his bunk.

True groaned at the nickname, but she had a small smile on her face. Ren jumped down from his bunk and sat at the edge of True's.

"Whaddya wanna do today?" the boy asked, his fluffy brown tail wagging excitedly.

True sat up, her red eyes practically shining from excitement. They both knew what they wanted to do. Ren took her hand and pulled her up, before dragging her out of the Compound and out to the front of the building. Planted there was a small bed of flowers, contrasting with the monochrome colors of the buildings surrounding them. Ren let go of True's hand and hurried back into the building, before coming back out with two cups of water. He handed one to True, and they both crouched down to inspect the leaves of the flowers. It doesn't rain often, so they were a bit dry, but otherwise, they were in good condition. The two poured water into the soul near the roots first, gradually moving outwards to dampen the cracked dirt. Once the cups of water had finished, they both were sweating due the intense heat. Despite this, they sat there, admiring the flowers that they both had put so much time and effort into. They both leaned against the building, shoulder to shoulder, watching kids play in the streets. It started to get dark, and significantly colder, and even as the children headed in, the two of them stayed out, watching in silence. It was only before curfew, when they were about to head in. But just as they both reached the door, a hand grabbed Ren's arm, yanking him backwards. True whipped around, her brown hair swishing over her shoulder. She saw Ren, being dragged away from her by a soldier, and a higher ranking one by the looks of it. She screamed, surging forwards, but felt someone grab her shoulders. People came out from their Compounds, and the soldier dragged Ren out into the streets.

"REN!" True screamed, tears coursing down her face. "REN NO! STOP IT!" her pleads mixed with her sobs.

She saw a dart of red rush past her, only to be held back similar to how she was being held. She recognized him as one of the older kids living in the Compound next door. He was being held back by one of her Compound mates, and a close friend of Ren's. His name was Doc, if she remembered correctly. More soldiers had arrived, aiming their guns at them both and True, plus whoever was holding her back.

"On your knees, you dirty mutt." the soldier who was holding Ren growled. He shoved Ren to the ground, before cocking his gun. Gasps and screams were heard, but True only saw Ren. Her red eyes met his brown ones, and the fear she saw would haunt her forever.

"I'm sorry Trucie." she saw him whisper, before closing his eyes.

A bang rang out, and Ren was limp on the floor, his eyes peacefully shut. True screamed, before she felt someone turn her around and embrace her. She cried into their shoulder, her throat raw from her previous plea. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Doc embrace the kid he was holding back, tears in his own eyes. She pulled out of her own embrace, her eyes met with kind brown ones, with golden particles in each. She recognized him as Impulse, a Mechanic that had befriended Ren. He had tears in his own eyes, but he smiled gently at the younger girl.

"I'm so, so sorry." he said, his voice wavering.

"What did he do? Why?" True asked much to her own surprise.

Impulse shook his head slightly, putting his arms on her shoulders. "Nothing." he said firmly. "Absolutely nothing. The Higher Ups simply wanted to strike fear into the hearts of those they look down upon. Ren was a good kid. I'm so sorry it had to end like this." His voice was gentle, and he chose his words carefully. Usually, True would be livid. Now, she was just confused. He was all she had left, after her sister became a Bounty Hunter.

"What's going to happen now?" she asked, her voice sounding like a small child's. She didn't dare explain her situation to Impulse. Now that Ren was gone, she would be the next target. She wouldn't last a week without him.

Impulse seemed to know what she was thinking, but she wasn't surprised. He was one of Ren's closest friends, so it was likely he knew the problem. "Pack your things." he said.

True looked up at Impulse in surprise. "What? Why?" She asked, panic laced in her voice.

Impulse only winked. "I'll be back tomorrow at noon." he turned on his heel and walked towards the East. It might have been True's imagination, but she heard a muffled sob as he turned the corner. She turned as well, to be met with the brown and red gaze of Doc, a creeper hybrid whose gaze is usually conveyed as a glare, but was now full of father-like sympathy. He put an arm around her shoulder, and led her inside, staying silent. She walked into her room, and instead of feeling at home, she felt like a stranger. No cheerful voice to welcome her, just the ghost of one of her best friends. She grabbed a worn backpack and stuffed it with clothes, some basic necessities, and some keepsakes, mostly of which reminded her of Ren. After, she laid on her bed, staring at the bunk above her that used to belong to Ren. Tears filled her eyes, but she blinked them away. She stayed like that until day, and she got out of bed early, heading outside. Ren's body had been dragged away, thrown into a dumpster with no sense of sympathy or remorse. She sat where she and Ren had sat the previous day, waiting for others to start their morning routines. Children came out to play once the sky had become a light blue, and the sun shone as if nothing had happened. Children played in the streets, some even walking over the place where Ren had been shot dead. She felt the urge to shoo them away, but resisted. By noon, Doc had come outside, along with a young boy from the Compound next door, not the one that had witnessed the incident from the other day, but the one she had cared for like an older sister.

"We'll miss you kiddo." Doc said, pulling her into a hug. Once he pulled away, True could see the tears in his eyes. Not once had she seen Doc cry, and it sent chills down her spine, but she managed a sad smile.

"I'll miss you too Doc." she replied, before turning to the younger boy.

"I'll miss you True." he whispered, looking at the floor. True smiled once more, before wrapping her arms around the boy. He returned the embrace, crying into her, but she didn't care. Once she got up, she ruffled the boy's hair affectionately.

"Don't do anything too crazy without me, alright Hels?" she said, trying to keep her tone light.

Hels smiled up at her, before giving her another hug. Doc put a hand on her shoulder and nodded.

"I'll take care of him."

"I know. I'll visit. I promise." tears welled up in her own eyes, as she realized how much she would miss these two.

She turned to the sound of footsteps, and saw Impulse walking down the road towards them.

"You ready?" he asked, his voice soft.

True paused. Was she? Doc had explained what Impulse was doing the night before. Was she ready to let this older kid she barely knew, take her in as a younger sister, just as Ren had? Was she ready for someone to fill that spot in her heart. She wished could still hear Ren's laugh, see his smile, and hear his voice. She wanted to ask him if he was okay with this. She looked up at Impulse, and after a moment of hesitation, nodded. She was ready. She grabbed her back, and let Impulse take her hand, and lead her away from the only home she had ever known. She felt Doc and Hels' eyes on her, but she didn't look back. She didn't say goodbye, but she didn't need to. She would see them again. She would make sure of it. But in the meantime, she would allow herself to feel like she had a family again. She wanted to be happy. It's what Ren would have wanted. And as Impulse led her to the East, his grip on her hand firm, but gentle, she thought, maybe this could work.

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