~2 Brothers 2~

42 2 3

:P this is kinda rushed as well and i didnt know how to continue it about half way through, even though I had already outlined it beforehand.

Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, but otherwise is pretty fluffy.

Word Count: 1704


The sky was clear that night, stars contrasting starkly against the darkness of the night. The stars were shining a sparkly silver, as if to give the present of their light to those who chose to hide in the shadows of the night. Two of which were boys, sneaking out past the curfew. Hoods pulled over their heads and masks over their faces, the two boys hid in the alley ways, ducking away from any light other than the ones from above.

"Can you remind me why we came out here?" asked the taller of the two. He donned a green hoodie, a grey mask, black boots, and grey jeans. He had a soft English accent, and was around seventeen years old.

"Hey, you were the one saying that you didn't have time to see your brother, right? So I assumed that since you don't sleep anyways," the shorter boy paused to elbow his accomplice in the arm, "we could go and see our brothers at night." His voice, normally strong and bold, now carried a slight tone of longing and worry. He fidgeted with his light blue hood, before pulling his mask higher up on his face.

The older boy sighed, shaking his head slightly, before laying a gentle hand on the younger's shoulder. The latter looked up, brown eyes meeting blue. He looked away, before grabbing the arm of his company and practically dragging him to wherever he needed to go.

"Uh, Skeppy? The South is that way." the green hooded boy said, gesturing towards what could be assumed to be the South.

"I know, X-I-Suma." Skeppy replied, pronouncing his poor fellow Admin's name like his younger brother had done when Skeppy had first introduced his younger siblings to the older Admin. "I have two brothers, remember?" his voice now had a teasing tone to it. They paused outside of the building, before Skeppy let go of Xisuma's arm. "Wait here." Skeppy took a keycard out of his hoodie's pocket and slid it through the scanner. The door opened, and Skeppy entered disappearing into the dark innards of the building. He came out not five minutes later, a raven haired boy at his side.

"Taurtis, do you remember my friend Xisuma?" he asked gently, now pronouncing the Admin's name as if the "i" was silent.

The boy, Taurtis, nodded, before waving at the older boy.

Xisuma smiled gently though the only way to tell was through his eyes. He gestured for the two to follow him, before turning around and heading the direction he had pointed towards earlier. The other two followed, a bit behind him. The buildings began to shift, from grand and clean, to nicely built, to lightly below decent, to what could be considered poor and impoverished. Skeppy ran his hand along the side of a building, wincing at the rough and shark edged of the material that made up the walls. They turned a corner and stood in front of a decently sized building. Or, at least it would be if only a few people lived there. But the three knew better. Standing facing them, were two boys, the older around Skeppy's age and the younger a few years younger than Taurtis. The older boy had fluffy white, almost silver, hair, and piercing red eyes. The younger had honey blonde hair, and eyes blue as the ocean, though his most notable feature would be the cream angelic wings on his back. The latter ran up to Skeppy and Taurtis, pulling them both into a hug, of which they returned. Once they had pulled apart, Skeppy kneeled down, cupping the honey-haired boy's cheek and asking him questions, of which Xisuma couldn't hear, but didn't need to. He looked empathetically at the boy's wings, before turning to face the other boy. He walked towards him slowly, and the boy shrunk into himself a bit, before regaining his posture. Xisuma was now right in front of him, and he could see that the kid was getting nervous. He shook his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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