Platform 9 3/4

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It was only 10 minutes later when Draco heard the steady breathing signalling sleep from Hermione and Matthew. He looked down at his son and then over at his wife and he could hear his daughter listening to music in the other room whilst studying hard for school that she had yet to start. He finally let his eyes slide shut with a smile of happiness on his face.

At exactly 7:30 in the morning the birds started to tweet as the sun creeped in through the gap in the curtains. There was a stir in the bed. Draco turned onto his back and rub his and slowly sat up not to disturb the other people in the bed. Glancing over to his right he saw his son curled up next to his wife and couldn't help but smile. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have her after everything he put her through and to top it off he had two wonderful kids.
He reached over and kissed Hermione on her forehead causing her to crack her eyes open. This caused their son to stir and the moment he sat up he pouted.
" what wrong darling" Hermione softly whispered while she gently moved his blonde hair from his face.
"Lilly has to go today and I won't have anyone to play with anymore" Matthew looked at his mum with his eyes glazed over.
After reassuring Matthew that Lilly would be back before they knew it, Lilly walked in to see if they were awake and they all went to the kitchen and the little Malfoy's watched as their parents cooked breakfast.

At 10:30 everyone was ready to go...
"You definitely got everything darling" Hermione asked her 10 year old
"Yes mum"
Draco carried her trunk and put it in the boot of their car while Hermione made sure both Lilly and Matthew were buckled up in the back.

At exactly 10:45 they pulled up outside king cross station and the family made there way in. Hermione walked through between platform 9 and 10 first with Matthew followed by Draco and Lilly.
Lilly looked in awe at the hogwarts express that stood before her. She still couldn't believe it when they reached the Potters. It was Lilly and Albus 1st year at Hogwarts and James 2nd.
The trained whistle signalling it was time to board and Lilly said goodbye to her parents and brother and followed James and Albus into the train to find and empty carriage. Bang on 11 the train set off for it's journey to Hogwarts. Draco stood with one arm around Hermione and holding Matthew in the other watching as his little girl was off to school.

Sorry this 1st one is short but here is the start of the sequel.

Dramione: parents too young sequel Where stories live. Discover now