The Potters

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Hermione and Draco awoke to the sound of an owl at the window. Draco removed himself from Mia and went to go collect it. He read aloud

Dear mum,dad and matti

Hogwarts has been great so far. I've made so many new friends. I was sorted in to slytherin. (Draco smiled at this) I'm really sorry I've haven't wrote to you until now but I've have been doing all my classes and then doing all my homework, the professors say I'm exactly like my mum apart from I look like my dad.
Also Albus was put in slytherin too and James looks after both of us. I can't wait till Lilly Luna comes up next year.
My favourite class is either charms or herbology which uncle Neville teaches me.
Anyway I have to go I'm going to the library to study for the exams before Christmas.
See you soon, miss you loads.
Lilly xx

Hermione was glad that her daughter was keeping on top of her school work but she knew Draco wasn't going to let their daughter being slytherin go so was easily.

Draco POV

I was excited to know Lilly was in slytherin.
After finished reading letter and looked to Mia smirking.
She pointed a finger at me
" don't even say it draco"
" ok I won't......MY DAUGHTER IS IN SLYTHERIN" I screamed resulting in Mia throwing my pillow at me. I just chuckled.

We all got up and made breakfast and decided on what to do for the day.
Matti wanted to go to the potters
Mia wanted to go see Ginny
And I didn't want to go anywhere but they won so we apperated to Potters house.

We landed round the corner and walked to the front door and Mia knocked. We waited a couple of minutes and Harry  came to the door.
"Hey Mione, Draco and little matti come on in"
We made are way through to the kitchen and mione ran up to Ginny while matti ran up to lily. Even though they was a age gap they were still nice to each other. Me and Harry took the kids outside while the girls stayed in.

Hermione P.O.V

" hey Ginny, can I talk to you?"
"Sure mione is everything okay?"
" ummm well I think I might be pregnant"
"GINNY shhh no one else knows"
All of sudden she grabs my hand and drags me to her bathroom and shoved something in my hand.
" here take this"
I looked down and saw a pregnancy test and when Ginny left, I took it. We waited a couple of minutes and checked
"What does it say"
"It says-"

I am so sorry this chapter is short and I promised some more chapters but I've had a tough Christmas. So this one is just a filler and I will write a much better and longer chapter I promise and once again I am so sorry.

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