Chapter 1: Dressing the part

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"Prince, you must be engaged by the end of the month-I'm sorry, but this is what your mother has said." Felix nodded, giving a small, dismissive wave to his advisor. He just wanted to be alone right now; and though he does truly like being around him, he couldn't stand to hear what he was saying.

     "I'm gonna go out to the garden, Jeongin. I need some time alone," he mumbled, hoping that he could understand what he was saying. He slipped beside Jeongin and out of his room, ignoring the faint calls of his friend.
He never liked having someone just...follow him everywhere, it was annoying. He never understood why his mother even gave him an advisor; he hardly ever leaves the castle.

     As soon as he made it outside, after a couple minutes of walking down endless hallways, he was greeted with the sight of his mother, standing in the middle of the garden path.

     "Felix, come here." Jesus Christ, could he never be alone? He plastered a fake smile on his face and walked over to his mother. "We need to talk about your marriage-or lack there of." Could she not talk about anything else?

     "What about it? I don't-" he paused as he looked his mother in the eyes. She had never looked more serious.

     "I'm guessing Jeongin has told you already, but you need to be engaged by the end of the month," she said. "Don't even try to fight me on this."

     "But why? I know I'm an omega, but I'm not helpless..." Felix sighed, staring at the ground. He didn't need an alpha. All of the alphas he had met before were assholes who couldn't be more self-conceited. Changbin came to mind.

     "Felix, you know why." Actually, he didn't really know, but go off, Queen, literally. "How do you want to choose?" Felix practically broke his neck with how fast he looked at his mother. She was letting him choose? How shocking...

     "I-uh..." he opened his mouth, only to close it again when he realized, he had no fucking clue. He had to talk to Jeongin about this. What were his options?

     "You don't have to decide now, but I need a decision by tomorrow night." She turned on her heel, leaving the garden and entering the castle within a moments notice.

     "Fuck me," Felix cursed, raking a hand through his silver hair. How many options could there be, honestly? He could be stereotypical and meet them through a ball, or...yeah, he had no idea. "No, just calm down Felix, you will figure this out." He tried to reassure himself. He had to talk to Jeongin about this-not Hyunjin, definitely not Hyunjin...he was too eccentric in his ideas at times.

     "I'll just think about this later." He sat down on the bench, grazing his fingertips against the flowers growing in front of him. He crossed his legs, savoring the feeling of how his smooth, shaven legs grazed each other. He lost himself in his thoughts, comepletely forgetting the time-

     "Felix-" A hand touched his shoulder.
     "Ah! Don't do that..." Felix whined, pushing off Jeongin's hand as he turned around to face him. Jeongin only chuckled at Felix's face, pulling his hand off slowly.

     "Sorry. Anyways, it's time for dinner. The queen has told me to remind you that you need to make "a decision"-she didn't really tell me what it was about though." Jeongin slipped his arm around Felix's shoulder as the two began to walk towards the castle.

     "It's..." Felix debated on whether to actually tell him the truth, he knew that Jeongin couldn't hold a secret. But hey, what did he have to lose? "It's about how I want to meet alphas. I don't want to do a ball, if that's what you're thinking. The maids always shove me into frilly shirts and pants," Felix rambled on as they walked down the hallway, completely ignorant to the fact that there were multiple maids lining the hall. "It would be better to just wear a dress...I'd look good in a dress, right?" Felix turned his head towards Jeongin.

      "Yeah-um, absolutely," Jeongin stammered, the visualization of Felix in a dress completely taking over this mind. He could imagine how the silk would perfectly highlight his curves, hugging him in all the right places...he shouldn't be thinking this about the prince. He had hoped one of the maids had heard their conversation; maybe one of them could note to put Felix in a dress next time they have a ball.

     "Thanks, Jeongin!" Felix smiled, giving his advisor a small, feather-light kiss on his cheek. He didn't give Jeongin any time to respond as he had already slipped through the door the dining room, leaving Jeongin all alone.

      "Hey-I...Dahyun?" Jeongin placed his hand on his cheek, not daring to move it. "Can you put Felix in a dress next time there's a ball?" He turned to face Dahyun, who in addition to working as a maid also happend to work as Felix's stylist.

      "Absolutely. You got it," she said, giving a small "ok" symbol with her hand before leaving the room Jeongin was in, broom in hand. A wide, ditzy smile tugged at his lips as he speed-walked down the hall. He hoped that Felix would like the surprise.

"I heard that he's getting engaged to Prince Bang. I feel bad for him..."

"Prince Bang, you can't keep rejecting every omega we present!"

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