Chapter 9

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Absolutely love bringing in supportive Narcissa and Lucius.

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Enjoy Chapter Nine!

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Stay safe beautiful people!



5 months pregnant and 11 pounds heavier. Her jeans were feeling snug around the waist.

Hermione sat on the edge of the bed, her feet dangled, and she kicked them impatiently waiting for Grace to appear.

Draco walked over to the other side of the room and studied the many posters on childbirth.

Bloody hell, it looked like a quaffle was coming out of her cunt.

He involuntarily crossed his legs and whimpered.

Cocking his head, he took in the birth process and grimaced.

Granger deserved her weight in Galleons for what she would go through in under 4 months.

It looked as if it hurt like a fucking bitch.

Her amused voice made its way to his ear, "You know, they say for a man to experience the level of pain a woman endures during childbirth, you need to stretch and pull the foreskin of your cock over your head riiiight up to the chin."

He looked utterly horrified.

Draco gasped not knowing whether to grasp his precious penis or handsome face.

Hermione grinned and touched her belly, "Shall we test that little theory after I give birth?"

He swallowed hard, "I'll pass if you don't mind."

Next, he wandered over to a board plastered with pictures of various newborn babies.

He asked curiously, "What do you suppose this is?"

Hermione glanced at her watch and wondered how much longer they would have to wait.

She was starving.

Always bloody hungry.

She had three smoked chicken sandwiches, two chocolate croissants and a banana, all before 12 pm.

Seriously, how much could one person eat?

She answered, "Hmm...oh...Grace pins pictures of babies she delivers up there."

Draco smirked, "I would bet my inheritance that our child will be the cutest."

Hermione cried indignantly, "Malfoy! All babies are cute."

He raised a brow and let out a laugh, "Not really, some are ugly as fuck. Have you seen Goyle's daughter?"

She tried hard not to laugh, instead, she shook her head, "Don't be a prat."

Draco laughed, "I'm not going to say anything, but the poor child looks just like her father."

Hermione burst out in a fit of giggles.

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