Soulmate dream?❣️

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We where sleeping outside in my backyard and it started raining. Apparently I didn't know so she woke me up and once I realized I quickly got up and opened my garage and wait for her to get in before closing the garage door. It was my dream garage ([pun intended]more like a really big room) there was a couch and on of those video game arcade machine things but there was still all my tools that I use for cosplay plus more. There was also my old phones and an at some point her 'older sister?' I'm not sure but at some point we ended up comparing our phones and then my dad came and picked us up from my house and took us to what seemed to be an Indian market then we went with her parent (I don't remember who it was) and then I woke yea that was my dream and I remember calling her Maddie so there's that.. I also wanted to give my boi @the_real_meliodas14 on TikTok a shoutout because he's an amazing friend and because he has anime posts! Lol that and he's asking for a shoutout, but that's not the point the point is that....actually I don't have a point

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