About Yua!

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This is Yua Ichika!

And this is how she looks when she is using her quirk and in her hero costume! Although her acid bubbles can grow bigger, but I couldn't find a bubble that was bigger

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And this is how she looks when she is using her quirk and in her hero costume! Although her acid bubbles can grow bigger, but I couldn't find a bubble that was bigger. ^^'

Yua is a hyper and happy person, on the outside

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Yua is a hyper and happy person, on the outside. But deep down, she's hurt and feels broken. Her friend, Daiki Oda, was the only one that saw her true self, and helped her with her depression as much as he could. But all of that came to an end, as all good things do. He died Because of a villain accident 2 years ago. And the last thing he ever gave her, was the black and pink cat bandana that she keeps as a scarf. She was thrown back into her depression, and started to cut herself. But for about a half a year now, she's been cut-free. Because she knew that if Daiki saw her do this, he would flip. She uses makeup and stuff to hide her cuts and bruises (courtesy of her father x_x) when she's waring short sleeves. (Btw this fic starts with the entrance exam! Also, tell me if you want to to go into detail of how Daiki died.)

 Her father Touma Ichika, a hero named AcidBlood (his quirk is obvious XD), looks at her with disgust. Because she 'Took his quirk and made it cutesy.' , and 'Was a disgrace.' Her mother, who ran away and left Yua with her father, had a quirk that allows her to control air. So this gave Yua the quirk Acid Bubbles. And for some reason, the bubbles are a see-through, with a tent of pink. And her bubbles come out of her hands. (So, the pads that are on Ochaco's fingertips, are on the palm of Yua's hands.)

Her bubbles can-

1)The bubbles themselves can be acid. No outer layer to pop. But she still can control when the bubble pops, she just has to concentrate on it. So that means she can literally make someone melt into a puddle if she willed the bubbles to stay on the person without popping.

2)Harden, so it could be a shield. It could be a sphere or a dome, and she can make it hollow or not. But she can make it as big or as small as she wants. To do this, she makes the pink acid a solid. The inside is safe(if hollow), but the outside will burn you if you touch it.

3)Make an acid capsule, so it would have to pop, which she can control when it pops, again, she just has to concentrate on it. It has an outer layer so she can use them around her friends. And an empty capsule. (Not filled with acid) She usually uses this to carry things or bring things closer to her. (Like lazy dad, like lazy daughter. XD)

4)Make acid bombs. It's a hollow, harden ball of acid, but unlike the shield, the outside is safe and inside if full of acid. All she has to do is throw one of the bombs, and the outside will shatter from the impact and the acid will do it's thing.

Her drawbacks are-

1)Pads on her hands will bleed- if used too much

2)Hand cramps- if used too much

3)Tingle in her hands and arms- every time she uses it.

Her stats are-

Power- 4/5

Speed- 4/5

Technique- 5/5

Intelligence- 5/5

Cooperativeness- 4/5

Top 5 things she likes-


2)Sour candy

3)Making people happy



Top 5 things she dislikes-

1)Her dad


3)Dogs (she don't mind them, but they hate her ^^')

4)Taking medicine

5)Beans (She love the meme tho)

Favorite color(s)-



And this his her track suit


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A/N: I'll add more if need be ^^

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