lotf 10/28

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At school, my group had a discussion about the first half of the first chapter. We left off of when Ralph had blown the conch the first time. Luke was the discussion leader.

Luke: What kind of tone does the author create with the setting?

Me: The author is going for a blatant 'oh we're stranded.' to a fun realization that the boys are going to be alone. A wondrous and happy tone to start with. Evident by the way Golding describes the island as something new and something to be explored. Ralph is very excited about being alone with no adults while Piggy is understandably nervous.

Luke: The author creates a lively tone by describing the vibrant scenery of the Scar. Furthermore, they convey a sense of peace with the lack of noise being created from the other inhabitants.

Jesse: The author makes it apparent that they are trapped on a island from the start by mentioning reefs and other island like features

Luke: What sort of environment is the Scar?(Called that for now)

Me: The island/scar is a decently sized island, uninhabited by any other people. the Island is certainly far from Britain, being tropical. Lotf is heavily based off of Treasure Island so it's a coral island. It's surrounded by a reef. I assume that the Island is close to the equator. Since the airport was bombed, I assume that the kids were evacuating.

Luke: The Scar is a large island, containing a dense forest. There is a variety of vegetation and a clean, sandy seashore, instead of one full of sharp rocks. The island may be far from the mainland, since an atom bomb was dropped.

Jesse: The scar is where the plane crashed leaving a bunch of broken trees and left over plane parts

Luke: Did it surprise you that Piggy had asthma, and why or why not?

Luke: I wasn't surprised that Piggy had asthma because he seemed to be the stereotypical fat person in fiction, where they always have ailments other than a lack of self-control.

Me: No, he's fat and not very fit. His aunt owns a candy shop which may explain his weight.

Jesse: No it wasn't surprising since he was the standard fat kid, it was more surprising to known he was the only kid with asthma

Luke: Do you feel bad for Piggy, even though he wanted to be named?

Me: To be honest, he kind of played himself. He didn't have to tell Ralph what he was called at school.

Luke: I don't feel bad for Piggy. He was the one who kept on pushing Ralph to ask what his name was. Piggy led himself into a metaphorical trap, one he could have easily avoided with patience.

Jesse: He just could have not said anything

Luke: How do you think the kids will fare at surviving, over time?

Me: Hmm I already read the book. if I answer this I might spoil it. All I'll say is that Golding made this hating the 'British kids go on an adventure' genre.

Luke: I think the boys will fall into anarchy because most of them are still in elementary. The few individuals who are older will not be able to control the masses. Even if they managed to create a governing/social system, I predict there will be a revolution because the children are too young to be sensible. To add, even if they do have leaders, the group may not have the survival skills necessary to survive, and they would likely die from starvation, unless they cannibalize each other, or dehydration.

Jesse: I think they will survive but not with much supplies since them being kids they will probably form groups making them fight for everything they need

Luke: Do you think Piggy will seek retribution since Ralph was so annoying to him?

Me: It's kind of interesting because Piggy is actually a proud person, no matter how cowardly he seems.

Luke: It would be interesting to see Piggy betray Ralph in one way or another. If Piggy banded people to kill or outcast Ralph, who ends up dying, the irony would be immense. Ralph makes fun of Piggy for being unhealthy in the beginning, and then he ends up being the one who is unhealthier(dead). Another option is that Piggy attempts to get revenge, but ends up dying in the following sequence.

Jesse: I think it would be cool for that to happen but unlikely since piggy voluntarily went with ralph

Luke: I think that is all the time we had. 

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