Ralph Fucking dies 2 ~ guilt

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Yes the long awaited sequel is here. I'm defiantly gonna add more to this, I was just super excited to show you guys. This is heavily inspired by Apple Sleep Experiment. yeah its a mlp creepypasta but I still liked it shhh

The waves roared around the bathing pool—the sun set on the west side of the island, making the sky become a malicious red. Jack looked out to the horizon, hoping a ship could maybe come by. He'd counted about one moon cycle since his enemy had fallen in his hands. Jack could still smell the reek of the blood. It was only about 200 yards from where the blood was staining the island. Stars blinked above Jack. The now purpling sky on the east warned the boys to return to Castle Rock, where they made a sanctuary. Their beds were made of the soft undergrowth, and the choir boys shared their cloaks with the littleuns.

Jack selfishly kept to himself as he wrapped himself in his withered cloak and watched the sun set completely. Once there was just a sliver of light left, there was a light, hoarse voice behind him.

"Chief," Roger said, "Are you coming back?"

Jack stayed silent.

"Chief," Roger repeated.

Still nothing.


"What do you want?"

Roger flinched at the harsh tone. "I was wondering if you wanted to come back to Castle Rock with us."

Jack made a silent hmph and decided it'd be in his best interest if he did so. "I might as well," he muttered. Roger led the way to the carved out path to Castle Rock. Jack followed behind.

After a little bit of walking, Roger slowed until he and Jack walked together side by side. Roger cleared his throat.

"I'm thirsty," he stated. There was no reply. Roger sighed in his failed attempt to get some sort of attention from his Chief. There were a few more rustling steps into the growth until Jack stopped suddenly. Roger heard someone suck air through their teeth sharply and wept.

"Wait here," Jack warned. Roger did as he was told while Jack snuck into the clearing where the sounds were coming from. He heard some muttering, so he called for Roger.

He slipped into the clearing like a wild cat and saw a littleun bleeding profusely from an injury on his knee. It was an older littleun, maybe about eight years old. He had definitely suffered the wrath of the wilderness and punishment from breaking Chief's laws. Roger looked at his Chief for instruction. Jack didn't take his eyes off of the boy.




There was a vibrating silence.


"Yes, Chief?"

"Let's leave him here. I'm sure he'll get back alright."

The boy looked at Roger pleadingly. He didn't want to be left alone. Roger felt a pang of empathy for the boy, but he let him alone, as Jack said. He followed his chief back into the brush.


Jack shuffled in his makeshift moss bed. The moon shone through the natural sky window; the rays made a pale white pearly sheen. In the shadows, there was a figure whizzing by. The figure's movements were nimble and childish. Jack figured it was just the injured littleun that finally made its way back, but the figure was too tall for that. Too broad. There was a hint of rot in the air. Jack eyed the shape as it slithered along, sticking to the walls of the cave.

At last, the figure padded into the moonlight. The white light reflected off the tan skin and made the fair hair appear shock blond. The boy made the dust in the air swirl away from the clearing.

"Hullo, Jack," said Ralph.

Jack stared at him with wide eyes. He attempted at a scream, but his throat remained quiet. Ralphs stab wounds were crusty and leaking with green pus. Even though his eyes were stabbed out, they still stared at Jack with still nothingness.

"It's our one-month anniversary," said Ralph, "we should celebrate."

Jack tried to scramble to his feet, but every single muscle was frozen in place. The only that really scrambled was his heart to his throat. Ralph sat at Jack's feet, his withered skin flaking when touching Jack's freckled legs.

Jack managed to squeak out a whimper.

A large scar on Ralph's ribs dripped a think dark brown blood. A droplet hit the stone underneath him and echoed through Jack's head. Ralph looked at the opposite cave wall.

"You know that you don't deserve to be these kids' Chief. You were never wanted. Not by the littleun, biguns, or even your choir." Ralph looked into Jack's eyes with the two voids in his skull. 

"Not even wanted you. All we ever wanted was for you to just go away."

Roger wanted me, Jack argued in his head, he was the first tribe member.

"Or did he just pity you?" Ralph responded. His scar leaked onto Jack's calf; he sucked his breath in response.

"Have you heard of the phrase, 'eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth'?"

Jack's heart dropped down to his stomach, already knowing where this was going. Ralph brandished a knife in the moonlight. The light reflected in Jack's eyes, making him squint a little. Ralph's mutilated body climbed on top of Jack. He rose the knife into the air, just as Jack did when he killed Ralph. As Ralph threw the knife down, so did his head onto Jack's chest.

Jack woke with a start. His body filled with a burst of adrenaline as he raced out of Castle Rock. The image of Ralph's unrecognizable face falling onto him played over and over in Jack's head. Tears streamed down his cheeks, cleaning off the dry paint he had applied just the day before. His feet barely skimmed the dirt and leftover ashes as he tried to run to the sea as fast as he could. On his way, a sharp stick stuck into his left foot. Jack growled and limped while maintaining his pace.

Jack reached the shore where he left Ralph. He panted and looked around in a daze. He spotted a dead spot in the sand and stumbled there, the sand stinging his foot.

The dead spot was like a popsicle stick. A round bit at the top with a post going down the bottom. Jack approached it. The dead eyes watched him, just as they did when it was fresh and in his dreams. Jack picked up the crusty head. The skin flakes fluttered down to his toes. Ralph's head was unrecognizable. It was but a blackened ball with the face of terror. Jack clutched the sides and wept. Look at what he'd done. He killed his best friend—the love of his life.He doubled over, digging his nails into the musty skin. Jack squeezed his eyes shut as his stomach turned. He could hear Ralph's screams. The look of betrayal.

The eyes.

Those cursed ocean eyes.

In a sudden burst of energy, Jack threw Ralph into the ocean and screamed. He fell to his knees and punched the sand until his knuckles hurt. Jack watched his tears hit the ground. As the milky dawn flooded into the sky, he sat back onto his heels and sobbed in his hands. He deserved this.

lotf shit part 2Where stories live. Discover now