A Pleasent Start To The Day

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You finished getting dressed and head down stairs, you search around the house for Sammy your canine friend. Normally she'd be waiting around every corner trying to catch you by surprise. Today seemed very different, Sammy was no where to be found. You step into the kitchen and are immediately met with a large ball of fluff and giggling.

"Got ya!" Sammy giggles as she sits on your chest.

"Jeez, how long where you waiting there for?" You ask as you ruffle her fur.

"Long enough to catch you off guard." Sammy nuzzles your hand.

"Well however long you waited isn't important, getting off of my chest is more important." You say with a grunt as you push her off of you.

Sammy uses her paw to boop your nose and giggles.

"Tag!" She exclaims before running off.

You groan and roll onto your stomach before pushing yourself back onto your feet.

"I can't be bothered to run today." You grumble as you spot her tail wagging around the corner.

You sneak up to the corner, being as quiet as possible, taking every step slowly and carefully, inching closer and closer before jumping forward and grabbing her tail.

"Gotcha!" You exclaim as you give her tail a soft tug.

"Heeey! That's cheating!" She shouts back in faux anger.

"It's not my fault you have a tail." You smirk and tug it again.

"It's not fair! You don't have one!" She pouts as she moves her hips to pull her tail out of your grasp.

"I do, but it sticks out of the front." You chuckle at your own lewd joke.

"You lewdie! Stop being lewd!" She uses her left rear leg to softly tap your face.

You climb back to your feet and dust yourself off, making a mental note to wash your hands the next chance you get.

"So, what's the plan for today fuzzybutt?" You ask as you stretch your back.

"Well, we could either go to Abby's place, visit the local park or just walk around until an idea comes to mind." Sammy responds.

You scratch your chin, mind wandering in thought as you contemplate the choices, visit the cute deer girl, visit the park or walk until you're either hungry, tired or bored.

"I think we should go see Abby, the other options just aren't that interesting to me to be honest." You answer with a shrug.

Sammy gives you an accusatory look.

"You like her don't you?" Sammy asks with a smirk.

"Not sure, don't know her well enough yet." You respond with a wink.

Sammy pouts and steps on your foot with her paw.

"Ah! What was that for?" You ask as you bend over and rub your foot.

"Just be glad it wasn't the balls." Sammy pouts as she struts away.

You stand back up and wash your hands in the kitchen sink before following her into the other room.

"So, what time are we heading over there?" You ask as you grab your wallet and your house keys from the living room table.

"We can go whenever, I don't have anything planned today so I'm free when you are." Sammy answers as she turns to face you.

"Alright, you got everything you need? We don't wanna head off without everything."

Sammy looks around the room and thinks for a second.

"Hmm, oh! Gimme a second!" Sammy rushes off up the stairs and into the bathroom.

You sit on the couch in the living room and relax, staring at the turned off T.V wondering what kind of day you'll have with the two girls. Abby is super shy and super cute, Sammy on the other hand is a high energy whirlwind of fluff and giggles. It's certainly a weird combo of those two but a surprisingly nice combo. The shy quiet side of Abby allows for the small breaks between Sammy's excited giggles and speech a quiet, chill break. As much as you love Sammy like a sister, just like real sister and brother you can get tired of the company, that third person really helps take the weight off of your shoulder of always having to be ready and willing to be energetic.

"Alright, I have everything." Sammy says as she seemingly skips over to you.

"Alright, do you remember where she lives?" You ask with an awkward chuckle.

"I do, luckily, at least one of us does." She answer with a giggle and a shake of her head.

"We've only ever been there once, cut me a little slack." You respond with a chuckle as you ruffle her fur.

"Alright, but just this time, you should be able to remember it from now on." Sammy says as she nuzzles your hand.

You give her a few headpats then pull your hand away.

"So, do you want to lead the way then?" You ask as you walk over to the front door.

Sammy follows behind you, as you open the front door she strides past you and into the street, before turning to check if you're behind her. You close the front door and lock it before putting the keys back in your pocket.

"Alright, let's go." You say as you walk over to her.

You and Sammy walk side by side through the street, her side brushing against your leg as she leads you in the direction of the shy deers house. The weather was wonderful, no clouds in the sky, the sun shone down and the temperature wasn't too hot, it was fantastic. Even though you have been here for quiet a while you can't help but enjoy the weather when it's like this, it's common weather but weather that just gave you a pep in your step and the great companion by your side made the walk and the weather even better.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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Feral Lover (Male!Reader x Fem!Feral!Harem)Where stories live. Discover now