Cutie and the Dork chapter 8

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New Years is so overrated, I wasn’t even bothered about it to be honest! My brother dragged me to a party and ok I did get wasted playing stupid drinking games... damn him but anyways the thing that was on my mind mostly was the ball. If I'm completely honest Callum was too much to my annoyance.

“Hello?” I answered my mobile half asleep.

“Rhea?” I winced as the volume on my phone made my head throb worse.

“Yeah.” I added a silent duh afterward.

“It's Callum.” My heart rate accelerated so fast it gave me a head rush even though I was laying down.

“What do you want?” I said coldly, a head rush and a massive hangover didn't need Callum to be added to them.

“Well I wanted to talk to you about what happe-“ a flash back of us nearly kissing ran through my mind.

“How did you get this number?” I interrupted him.

“What? Did you hear what I said?”

“There is nothing I want to say to you.” I said and pressed the end button. My heart was racing and I could hardly breathe, there were a million questions running through my mind like: how did he get my fucking number?! Why on earth would he call me?! WTF?! Is it weird that I felt so much less hung over after I heard his voice? Why do I suddenly feel sad that I'm not on the phone with him even though I hung up on him?

“Rhea-beer!” I sighed and felt anger heat my cheeks, I hate when my brother calls me that.

“Shut up Nathaniel!”

“My names Nathan, you douche bag!” He retorted, I could hear his smirk.

“My names Rhea, you jerk off!” I heard him bound into my room before I even had chance to protect myself he pulled me out by the legs and dragged me along my wooden floor.

“Get off me you asshole!” I shouted.

“Language young lady.” My dad said sternly popping his head through the door.

“Sorry dad.” I mumbled.

“Put her legs down. Jerk off!” My dad grinned and started to run just as my brother chased him down the stairs. I sighed holding back laughter ‘boys will be boys’ I thought to myself as I jumped into my nice hot shower.

 “Morning sweetheart.” My mom said kissing the top of my head as she passed the table.

“Morning.” I said through a mouthful of oatmeal. I can't believe the ball is tomorrow night, I can't wait! I'm not even bothered that normal schools start a week after us. We have the ball on Monday night and then a week of extra classes to help us get the best grades for our tests in March. I think it's brilliant, especially because I get to tutor some of the classes. I know I'm strange whatever! Then I remembered that I have to tutor Callum as well, damn him! Ringing me up to disturb my peaceful sleep! God his voice sounded sexy though! I need to stop thinking about him I reminded myself as I put my bowl in the dishwasher. For the rest of the day I had to keep reminding myself to stop thinking about Callum. Then I had to pack so that kept my mind off him!

“Rhea.” Callum was so close to me I could feel his heart beating in sync with mine.

“Yeah?” I looked into his blue eyes, they seemed to be glowing in the dim light.

“I love you.” He told me quietly, I felt like I was swimming in his eyes. They never left my own.

“I love you too Callum.” I replied before I could stop myself, he kissed me tenderly and softly.

My eyes flew open and I sat up in bed panting, oh so now I was dreaming about him too! I picked up my phone to check the time, shit 4am! I was wide awake so I decided to get ready I was supposed to set off at 9am anyway. By the time I got downstairs it was 7am, I heard my mom and dad moving around upstairs.

“Oh there you are, I was about to wake you.” My mom said as she saw me plonked in front of the tv with a bowl of cheerio’s.

“Morning.” I smiled at them and continued to watch the cartoons since they were the only things that came on apart from news at this time. After I finished my breakfast and brought my stuff downstairs I was ready to go. I hugged my parents goodbye and raced upstairs and jumped on my brother. After he had finished swearing at me he hugged me goodbye. I set off in my car and made it within an hour and a half. The girls were coming at about lunchtime so I went up to my room and had a nap.

“Rhea you in there?” I heard Brianna through my door, I smiled and bounded over to it.

“Hey Bri.” I smiled she smiled and hugged me.

“Want to start getting ready? The ball is in like six hours you know!”

“And you want to start getting ready six hours before why?”

“You'll see!” she replied dragging me to the hair salon, there were already four girls ahead of us. I went to get us some coffee, just as I stepped outside I nearly bumped into someone. I looked up and a blush crept up my face.

“Rhea.” He said coldly and walked past me into the coffee shop, I just huffed and went back to the salon where Bri and I were now next after one more girl.

“Are you ok?” She asked taking her soya latte, I nodded and sipped my black coffee. I was far from ok! But I wasn’t going to start opening my mouth on the day I have been looking forward to since forever! Ok not forever but whatever, I hope HE wasn’t going to be there tonight. My phone vibrated in my pocket.

“Hey Rhea.” I would recognise Matthew’s deep southern accent anywhere.

“Hey Matt.”

“We still on for tonight?”

“Yep.” I smiled, if only I liked him the way I liked Callum I sighed. Then I caught myself.

“Ok see you soon, bye.” I hung up repeating in my head ‘I do not like Callum’ in my head. I got my hair, makeup and I jumped on the sun beds (bad I know) Bri got a fake tan though instead of the sun beds I hope it doesn't stain her dress. Rachel joined us half way through; she had her hair and makeup done (she hates fake tanning). To be honest so do I but I had to because I'm wearing cream! Anyway, it was now around five so we had spent the last five hours getting ready! We had an hour to get our dresses and accessories on and get to the Grand Ballroom on time. Uh oh!

“Wow I can't believe we made it on time!” Rachel sighed out of relief as we got there at six on the dot.

“I know, the queue isn't even long I should have put on my glitter.”

“Bri you don't need glitter, your makeup looks great.”

“I love your dress.” Matthew said to me as he opened the door ignoring my bickering friends and their long suffering boyfriends behind us.

“Thank you.” I replied, I caught a glimpse of myself in one of the full length mirrors. My strapless, cream silk dress hugged my body perfectly, the material was slightly rouched and fell onto the floor so it pooled around my feet given an impression that I'm gliding as I walk. The chignon my light blonde freshly curled hair had been styled into and long sparkling diamond earrings with matching necklace and bracelet enhanced the beauty of the dress as well as my newly tanned body. I wasn’t over tanned I had got a sun kissed look to my skin which complimented the dress perfectly. Everyone was gawping at me as I walked in as gracefully as I could and took a seat with my friends.

When everyone had arrived the ball started, we danced around for hours and at the time of the last dance I felt a warm hand on mine which sent tingles all the way up my arm to my heart. I knew who the hand belonged to before I had even looked into his captivating blue eyes.

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