♱ Chapter 3 ♱

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"Who are you?" Both of us said at the same time. Confusion played on his face as much as it probably did on mine.

Before me was an umber-haired Warlock who I would guess was in his early twenties. At least, he looked to be in his early twenties. Although, he could have been older. He was tall with deeply tanned skin, and his hair was a mop of perfectly organic curls. The eyes that stared back at me were a golden-orange tone with brown flecks around the edges. They were luminous just like the surrounding flowers. His fire-like eyes and sweet-smelling blood gave away that he was a Warlock.

He was breath-taking. Yet, he'd be much more attractive if he wasn't aiming an arrow straight at my heart.

"Tell me who you are before I shoot you where you stand," the Warlock barked. I could see in his eyes he meant it when he said he'd shoot me. He wasn't fearful. He was just calmly prepared for this.

"I'm Piper Gheata. I might as well know who you are before you off me," I stayed calm, even though I really believed this Warlock would shoot me. I couldn't tell if he could see my eyes underneath my hood. If he did, he would know his arrow wouldn't harm me. I'd catch it before it even buried itself in me. Living in these woods, he had to know he was close to Vampires.

"I don't need to tell you who I am, Princess," his voice was harsh. I furrowed my brow.

"You know who I am then?" I assumed. The 'Princess' threw me off for a second, but I guess I couldn't be shocked that he knew of the royal family. He did in fact live in the forest surrounding our castle.

"I'm not stupid. Your guards pass by every other week."

"Technically, those are not my guards-"

"They work for your family, therefore they are your guards," he cut me off. I shrugged my shoulders, knowing he was right.

I reached to pull my hood down. Before I could, he pulled the bowstring even tauter. I pulled my hands away, staring straight at the head of the arrow.

"I promise you no harm. I just want to pull my hood down," I told him. "Check me. I have no weapons."

The curly-haired man glared at me, his fire eyes blazing as he looked me over. I could tell he was questioning if he should come any closer and check for weapons.

He lowered his bow to his side. I watched him as he came closer, and he never broke eye contact.

Once he was directly in front of me, he reached to pull my hood down. He paused for just a mere second to study me. I must not have been what he was expecting.

He examined me and pulled back my cloak. Running his hands down my sides swiftly and pulling each leg up to check my riding boots, he found nothing of harm.

"Just like I said. No weapons," I said in a breathy voice. I felt anxious with him being so close, but not anxious for the reasons expected.

A tense silence came over us until he, finally, stepped away.

"How did you get in here?" This stranger asked me yet another question. Although, this time he was genuinely curious and had a hint of shock in his voice.

"Get in where?" I replied with my own question, I didn't know what he meant by, 'here.'

"No one can see this area except for my kind or those who are permitted in," the Warlock explained. "My mother..." He started but decided against speaking any further.

Her Wicked Secret {Sequel to His Mortal Bride}Where stories live. Discover now