Sole Survivor / Wanda x reader (requested)

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A/N: requested by.......someone.  I forget who.  But it was definitely requested.......I think.  I hope whoever requested this likes it! :)

The sounds of fighting fill the air as you hide alongside your mother and father.  HYDRA is invading your home town, you think because they want to use it as a secret base.  Your parents urge you to stay still, so HYDRA doesn't find you.  That hope is shattered as the door is kicked in and HYDRA soldiers storm in, slaughtering everyone.  They don't find you hidden in the cabinet, as you watch them mercilessly slaughter your family like animals.

You somehow managed to escape from HYDRA, they never suspected you were there.  You spend about a year on the run. before you see The Avengers fighting Ultron.  This is when you unlocked your power of (whatever power you want :-) and joined the battle alongside the Avengers.  This is when you met HER.

Wanda Maximoff.

You quickly fell for The Scarlet Witch.  Her loving, shy, and caring personality.  Her beauty.  Her kindness towards you.  Her understanding of what you've been through, as she has a history with HYDRA of her own.  Her amassing power, that makes the two of you together an unstoppable force.  Everything about her brought you further into your love for her.  The two of you became quick friends after The Avengers had you join them, impressed by your capabilities.  You've managed to keep your feelings for her a secret so far, and for that you are thankful.


You sit up quickly, awoken from your nightmare by the alarm (which you destroy with your powers).  Looking around the room, you realize you are still in the Avengers Compound.  Tears fall from your eyes as you think about the loved ones you lost so long ago.  Your family.  They died, and you could do nothing to save them.  You put your head in your hands as you begin to sob, the image of your family dying like deer killed by a hunter burned into your mind.  You cry and cry and cry, crying loud and hard.

Wanda bursts into the room, wearing nothing but her nightgown and her hair a mess.  She takes in the scene before her, and rushes to sit by your side.  Wanda gently pulls you into a hug, saying "Calm down (Y/n), it vas only a nightmare." as you latch onto her and cry into her shoulder.

Between your tears, you cry "I watched my family die, and I did nothing! I miss them so much!"  You feel Wanda rub comforting circles into your back as she hugs you, while she quietly shushes you and whispers sweet nothings into your ear.

Wanda says "The past is in the past, (Y/n).  There vas nothing you could have done.  Don't be sad that they died, be glad that you lived." as she comforts you.  Eventually she manages to calm you down, and as you stop crying, she quietly asks "Do you feel better now?"  You nod, wiping away your tears.  Smiling kindly, Wanda asks "Do you feel up to eating breakfast?"  Again, you simply nod, latching onto her again silently saying that you want to stay with her.  Giggling, Wanda gets up and says "Come on, let's go get breakfast." as she holds your hand.

Blushing, you follow The Scarlet Witch to the kitchen of the compound, where everyone is gathered.  Bucky, Steve, Tony, Pietro, Vision, Bruce, Natasha, and Clint have all gathered here.  Everyone is doing there own thing, each having gotten leftovers from various dinners for breakfast (except Steve, Steve has bacon and eggs).  Wanda leads you to the kitchen, where she sits you down at the island near the cooking counter and then she prepares your favorite breakfast for the two of you as you both chat about nothing in particular.  Soon, she places a plate in front of you as she cheerfully says "Alright (Y/n), dig in."

Quietly saying "Thanks, Wanda." you begin eating.  Smiling at her, you say "Wow, it's really good!" as you eat up.

Glad you like it, Wanda replies "Thank you.  I made it special for you." with a big smile on her face.

Tony interrupts, saying "For the love of god confess your love for one another already!  We can all tell you like each other, so just admit it!" before going back to playing Pokémon Go on his phone.

Both you and Wanda blush bright red, looking down in embarrassment.  A few moments of silence pass, before Wanda asks "D-do you really love me?"

In quiet embarrassment, you reply "Y-yeah, I love you."  Before you know what's going on, Wanda's pulled you into a passionate kiss.  You kiss back, wrapping your arms around her.  It's magical, it's everything you dreamed it would be and more.  Her lips taste like strawberries.  Pulling away for air, you ask "Does this mean you love me too?" as both you and Wanda's faces blush bright red.

Wanda smiles brightly and replies "Yes, yes it does."

A/N: sorry it's so short :/

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