Chapter 34: What a liar

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Chapter 34: What a liar

I stood in the kitchen flipping pancakes on the pan. The smell roamed my nose as I drooled over the perfectness of it.

It was the next day after Aiden and I had that hot moment. We both agreed to not tell anyone about it. I didn't hate to admit how he affected me. How Aiden Lane, the guy I would never expect, would fall for me.

I bit my lip thinking of the fact of how Aiden held me last night. How I saw the thirst in those blue eyes of his. Those light ocean blue eyes.

We both had to leave back to the lake house and gladly talked normally in the car. I wanted to so bad just stop the car and kiss him. It's how I felt. It's how he made me feel.

When we got home we both parted our ways, me heading off to my room and Aiden to his.

I felt a smile lift my face as I remembered everything.

When he kissed me...I felt...relieved. All my concerns were gone. Everything I feared, everything I loathed, everything I wondered...left. His lips cleared my mind and I wanted that feeling all the time.

Other than that, Layla was leaving tonight which meant we wouldn't be able to do the little game she brought up.

I would say that was a waste of ten thousand dollars but then again her game led me closer to Aiden.

Jesus Christ why are my thoughts filled with Aiden.

I heard the kitchen door open and footsteps walk in. I paid no attention to it guessing it was one of the adults.

The steps of the person were low and I suddenly felt the presence behind me, a smile filled my face at the familiar scent that whiffed over the pancakes smell.

"Just can't stay away from me huh?" I asked with a playful smirk as I turned around to see Aidens tall figure right in front of me.

He was wearing a casual white undershirt that revealed his well-defined muscle and inked tattoos. His raven black hair was shifted slightly out of his eye giving me a clear view of his ocean colored orbs.

A smirk played on his rosy lips as he narrowed his eyes at me.

I let out a small yelp as I felt his hands grip the upper part of my thighs and set me on the counter near the stove. The feeling of his fingertips touching my skin made me tingle.

I leaned slightly over turning off the stove so this beautiful lake house wouldn't go to waste because of his foolishness.

My legs were spread on each side of his waist. His torso was close to mine and I felt his arms wrap around my lower back as he bit his lip and roamed his eyes over my face.

"Your parents might see us, you need to put me down," I whispered as I glanced at the door behind him afraid of an adult's presence entering in and seeing young adolescents affectioning each other on a kitchen counter.

That would be awkward.

He chuckled lightly, "We could move to my bedroom if you'd like. I haven't eaten breakfast yet." he whispered seductively, his blue eyes filled with hunger.

I was hungry also but for some reason, Aidens presence made my stomach only focus on butterflies and not the craving for food.

"Well I made pancakes," I announced proudly as I tucked a curl behind my ear and waved my hands towards the pancakes that were set on the white and gold plates.

I glanced back at him and I couldn't tell what expression was on his face but I just knew he was about to say something naughty-

"I'm hungry for something else," he said huskily as I felt his fingers trace the waistband of my shorts and slowly slide down.

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