Chapter 1

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Riley's POV

I walk home from school with my best friends in the whole world, Maya, Lucas, and Farkle. It is the last day of school and we are so happy to be done with seventh grade. I mean, seventh grade was totally awesome and the best thing in the world yet, but school itself was like every other year. I cannot wait to get home because today in class, my teacher, also known as my dad, told my friends and I that he has a surprise for us

I walk into my final history class as a seventh grader with Maya and we sit down in our usual seats in the front row. Farkle sits behind me and Lucas behind Maya. Just as it has always been and how it will always be. My dad walks through the back entrance with a BANG and tells the class:

"It's our last day yet I still gonna teach you something. Riley, Maya, Lucas, and Farkle, step up to the front of the room."

We stand, and I give my father the evil with child eye of death look.

" I have a surprise for you four when you get home from school today. Do you want to know what it is now?"

I tell him, "please don't tell me that you are going to be my teacher next year. I'm begging you, please don't."

"No Riley, but it is a really good surprise that you will want to know now. Maya, Lucas, Farkle, Riley, if you had the chance to know what it is now, would you take it? You don't need to answer me because the answer is yes, correct?"

Is my dad some kind of psychologist when he does not teach?

"However, I could be an evil little wizard and make you think it is something really good but it is not as good when you get home. Then your life dreams will be crushed and you will live in a hole in the wall. This is what is going to happen today when eighth graders roam the halls for their last time. You can take it with a grain of salt, but always remember that patience will always play out in the end. Patience will always work in your favor. Class dismissed."

"Not you four. There really is a surprise so come home to Riley's to find out. And you better not skip out on this, because it is really good."

As we walk through the front door, Auggie comes running at me with his girlfriend, Ava. How does this guy manage to get a girlfriend at five and I still can't get one at thirteen. I will be forever alone. We sit down on the sofa and we all sigh.

"The year is really over now isn't it?," I say.

"Completed and in the archive of years."

Just then, Mom and Dad burst through the door all happy. They seem to be excited for the surprise.

"Riley, Maya, Lucas, and Farkle, you are staying in a town outside of the city by yourselves for four weeks."
I finally uploaded the first chapter! Vote and comment please. It is really appreciated.

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