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Lorenzo stopped running once he was deep in the forest and a good distance away from the closest living person, the Cullen house, the pack border, everything. He made sure he was completely isolated and far away from any hiking trails. But most importantly, he was a good distance away from his mate who he could easily hurt if he lost control of his ability in the moment from sheer anger. heavy emotions often made Lorenzo need to hunt more impulsively or he could very well be overwhelmed by the destructive aspects of his abilities. 

Now, miles away from the closest human, Lorenzo clutched at his left arm that was becoming even more consumed by the black smoke and vein like lines each passing second, causing some of Lorenzo's marble skin to crack and crumble to small ashy flakes that floated to the ground. Lorenzo was not willing to hunt on Cullen territory but he wouldn't make it to Seattle or Port Angeles. Lorenzo was also not willing to risk being near a high population of humans in town when his ability was on the fritz. His only option for the moment would be to hunt a very large animal in the forest and hope that tides him over until he can make it to a larger city to hunt properly before he got sick.

The only reason Lorenzo doesn't hunt as the Cullens do is because animal blood is not enough to control his ability, nor can he stomach it without getting sick and being forced to spit out whatever corrupted blood he had consumed and being left hungrier and more unstable. Feeding on animal blood is like setting himself up for starvation while making himself unable to feed. it makes his destruction ability, which he calls corruption harder to control and easier for it to overwhelm him. If Lorenzo doesn't feed properly, he could very well be destroyed by his own ability and the entirety of whatever poor city or town he was in or near at the time. The animal blood will weaken Lorenzo's power substantially for it to disappear for only a total of 20 or 30 minutes depending on how much he consumes, but then the corruption will rise up even more unstable and uncontrollable than before and force Lorenzo to spit up whatever he consumed and make him sick to the point where he could be entirely consumed by his ability. In that small 20-30 minute time frame, Lorenzo would have feed quite a bit in order to flush out the animal blood and get the corruption under control to avoid getting sick.  The more uncontrollable the corruption becomes, the more Lorenzo must hunt. 

That's the reason Lorenzo hunts more than necessary or normal for a vampire, because of his ability. the creation part of his ability is much more tame and easy to control, but just as powerful. Sometimes, Lorenzo wished the creation was all that he was given in this second life, or better yet if he had no ability at all. Then the Volturi would leave him alone as well. 

Lorenzo sighed deeply, feeling the stinging pain begin to zip throughout his left arm as the corruption  reached to nearly his shoulder. Normally, a vampire would not feel such pain, but the entire point of corruption is that it could destroy anything, even vampires and leave excruciating pain if he used it on a living thing. Not that he did that often, Lorenzo usually never used his corruption if he could help it. The only reason it was not an unbearable pain for Lorenzo, to the point where he could simply breathe through it was because it was his ability and he had lots of experience and practice. now, it was just a dull numbing sensation through his limbs that left slight tingles. 

Lorenzo glared at the black markings that traveled up his arm, then used that arm to punch a hole clean through a nearby tree which proceeded to be knocked over with a resounding crash. The tree which was now on the ground, started to turn a distorted blackish gray color as if it was set on fire and crumble to ash on the ground as black lines were left as the only trace of the tree, much like Lorenzo's arm.

"Corrupcion de la muerte, eres muy innecesario."(Corruption of death, you are very unneeded)  Lorenzo growled in frustration as the black lines on his arm receded and transferred to the now destroyed tree as a pile of ash. 

it was a temporary fix to by time before the corruption began to overwhelm him again, but transferring it to something else and destroying whatever it was calmed the corruption somewhat to allow him time to hunt and for him to heal his arm. 

Lorenzo placed his right arm on his left and let the bright white light engulf his arm, easing the dull pain and healing it quickly to what it was before the corruption made an appearance. The creation was much better than vampire healing, and a lot faster too. When that was done, Lorenzo let his senses tune into the surrounding forest, looking for the largest and closest animal he could find in order to by time to find a proper meal. Yes doing so would make him severely weakened and sick, but that would have to be the price paid to avoid destroying the whole town and everyone in it. he would not allow his ability to slip up after the last time, and if that meant making himself sick until he could hunt properly, then he would pay that price.

Lorenzo breathed deeply and picked up the scent of a deer close by. He couldn't sense anything bigger and it didn't smell appetizing at all, but it would have to do so he could make it to Port Angeles. Steeling himself to force down the revolting animal blood and get sick after, Lorenzo sped his way to where he smelt the deer.  And then suddenly, he wasn't in the forest anymore. he let himself release control to his hunting instincts, and his mind solely focused on the hunt. it was different to when he was fighting, because he had a soldier's mind which would not allow him to focus on anything other than how to win a fight and calculate everything at once which could be stressful, taking in everything happening at once. But when hunting, it was an almost freeing experience. he could surrender to his instincts and didn't have to think at all, he could just move and trust his body to know what to do. he could lose himself in the sensations and the environment around himself, without worry of being killed. out hunting, he was the predator and nothing could hurt him. but it's this mindset that made it dangerous for anyone to be around a hungry vampire while hunting, because vampires are slaves to their instincts and impulses, and will only register food or threat trying to steal food. Even other vampires can be lashed out at if they get in the way of a vampire while they hunt. although it kind of depends whether the vampire is a nomad and hunts alone or is part of a coven and use to hunting in groups.  Lorenzo falls into the category of solitary hunter. he has always preferred to wander alone as a solitary nomad, so despite technically being part of the Cullen's coven, he's never once hunted in a group and isn't used to it. so his mindset would be to attack anyone in his hunting area. because they're either food or trying to take his food. That instinct alone is why Lorenzo refuses to encroach on Cullen territory to hunt even if they don't have the same food source. 

Lorenzo spotted the deer and immediately tackled it to the ground before it was even aware of him approaching, before it had a chance to run and instantly bit into it't neck as it struggled in his stony grip. Lorenzo had never been around another vampire while they hunted, he avoided most vampires like the plague and made sure to never encroach on a hunting vampire, so he wasn't too sure what he must look like while he hunted and was covered in blood; and he never really cared to know or even thought about it really. 

But as the deer went limp and blood pooled in Lorenzo's mouth and dripped from the corners, he was pulled out of his feeding frenzy by two things. 

one, was the urge to spit out the blood and cough out everything he had just consumed from the disgusting animal.

And second, was the sound of footsteps approaching the area and the very faint smell of the little wolf who forced himself into Lorenzo's attention from the moment they met. 

Knowing Seth was in the area, made Lorenzo too aware of how sick he already felt and how much hungrier he was because of it. and how horrifying he would look covered in blood to the young wolf.

for some reason, Lorenzo absolutely despised the idea of Seth seeing him like this. 

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