A/N: Sorry For the Hiatus!!

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So... I kinda took an announced break. Sorry bout that! Things got kinda chaotic for a while.

Also: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 1000 READS!! LIKE, WTF?! Honestly I don't even know what to say, just, thank you so much!! Writing is one of my hobbies so people actually having an interest in what I write is so motivating, so just thank you again!!

Anyway here's some update stuff!

I'm working on "Apex Legends: The Crimson Lion" which is the story I announced back in the last update. The plot has kinda changed and so have a few character traits but overall its going good. I'll leave the link if you wanna read it here.


I only have two stories on AO3 so just click on the Apex one if your interested in reading it!

I'll make the next oneshot soon, possibly this weekend depending on school stuff. I just started my new classes and final semester of high school in general.

I turned 18 a few days ago so thats a thing I guess. Guess this means I'm an adult now. Can't wait to file taxes :D

I can't wait for season 8! Fuse looks so interesting and I can't wait for any new lore that drops as well!

Also the Caustic ass slap is forever going to be my favorite thing.

So yeah I think thats it! Remeber I work on a lot of stories at one time so updates for this book will be hectic for a while but don't worry updates WILL come.

See ya in the next update!

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