L I F E | G.B.D

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|Grayson's POV|

"Mr. Dolan and Ms. Y/L/N. detention. after school." i looked over at y/n and saw she had an amused look on her face. we got caught skipping class and making out in the janitors closet.

i don't really mind detention, as long as i'm with her. i guess you could say i'm the 'bad boy'. getting into fights, riding a motorcycle, having tattoos, wearing a leather jacket, being an asshole. but y/n is the complete opposite.

sweet, caring, gentle, beautiful, determined. everything i'm not. how did she fall in love with me? i'm not so sure myself. but no matter what, i'm always going to love the shit outta her. she's my whole world, and i wouldn't trade any moment with her for anything.

"get to class now." the principal warned. y/n giggled as we walked out of the closet hand in hand.


"that was so embarrassing." y/n whined as we walked to detention. "who cares. it was just the principal. he's what? 100 something, he'll be dead soon anyway." y/n hit my arm and rolled her eyes. "i actually liked him. he gave me candy back when we were in middle school."

"yeah, but you love me." i smirked. she giggled and pulled me into a kiss. "of course." i smiled as we walked into the room, only about 3 people total in here besides us.

"after you my lady." i let her walk in first, her going to the very back corner behind a book shelf where a bean bag laid.

i sat down first and she gently sat in my lap so she was straddling me. i ran my hands up and down her thighs, her ripped jeans exposing her knee and part of her thigh.

her lips parted slightly before she brought me into a kiss. "i love you." she whispered. i bit her bottom lip, and moved a piece of hair behind her ear.

"i love you more princess." she smiled and brought me into another kiss. "Grayson."


i shot up, seeing Ethan standing above me. when i looked around, i was laying in my bed. it must've been a dream.

"c'mon bro. mom wants us to go halloween shopping with her." my eyebrows furrowed in confusion and i looked over, seeing y/n still asleep.

"okay, i'll get y/n up and we'll be down in a few." Ethan nodded his head and walked out, leaving us alone.

"baby?" i asked softly. her body shifted and she moved around before her eyes fluttered open, revealing her beautiful eyes.

"morning my love." she smiled as i kissed her cheek. "morning Gray." the cover slightly moved and showed her 7 month belly. "good morning princess." i whispered and placed kisses all over her stomach.

she ran her fingers through my hair and smiled down at me. "i love you too girls more then anything." i whispered again and kissed y/n gently. "we love you too Gray." i couldn't help but smile at her and we both stood up.


"you know, earlier i had a dream about us." i said as we walked around the edge of the lake. y/n looked up from her ice cream and at me. "i'm guessing good?" she asked.

"anything about you is good. but yeah. back when we were in high school and we got caught in the closet." she laughed and playfully shoved me.

"i remember. that was so embarrassing." i laughed and kissed her cheek. "but now look at us. married, a baby girl on the way, eating ice cream by the river. i wouldn't have life any other way." she whispered and looked out at the ducks floating around.

she stopped walking and wrapped her arms around my neck. "i love you. so much Mrs. Dolan." she giggled as i took in all her perfect imperfections. "and i love you so much more Mr. Dolan." this was it. this all i've ever wanted, all i'll ever need. and i get to have it until i take my very last breath.

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