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Ivan yawned, finishing his lunch as he stood. Alfred was off elsewhere, so he went to go find him, deciding he was likely in their bedroom, he went there first.

Alfred wasn't there, and he wasn't around when he checked the nursery. So he called him. And he didn't answer, and he saw his phone on the bedside table as he did.

He grabbed it and put it into one of his pockets, walking back downstairs, before he checked the library. Once again, not there.

As he was walking to go check outside he felt a seizing sensation in his throat, and his hand moved up to grab it. It had been a few weeks since he'd felt this feeling.

He sighed, his throat rasping, and continued walking.

He paused after a moment. It felt worse this time. In only a second he felt his legs shake under him and he shut his eyes tightly as possible. Around his throat it felt as though chains were sinking into the scars on his skin and he tried to open his eyes.

He fell to his knees.

He heard the sound of feet behind him as he choked and felt hands on his shoulders.

"Papa?!" Mississippi exclaimed, brushing her long hair from her eyes as she crouched down next to him, "Dad, what's wrong? What's happening."

"Protests..." he coughed. He could feel blood starting to drip onto the ground, "they're arresting the protesters."

"Huh?" she paused, "Are you bleeding because of the protest or because they're getting arrested?"

"They're getting arrested," he sputtered, "get Alfred."

"Um... he's not home..." she said, "he's probably not even in state lines anymore."

Ivan glanced up at her, finding strength in himself to push himself to his feet, still clutching his throat. His face was red and his eyes were blotching from the lack of air, and he tried to pull some oxygen into his startled lungs.

"Call him."

She nodded, backing off a bit before getting out her phone. He waited there for a moment, his hand on the wall, before taking a step forward. Immediately his knee buckled, and he grabbed onto a shelf to prevent himself from falling, Mississippi grabbing onto his other arm to steady him.

"Mom? Ya, somethings happening to dad, you need to come home," Mississippi paused for a second, "civil unrest I think? His neck's bleeding really bad."

Mississippi nodded, "He'll be here in a second."

"I thought you said he was across state lines," he mumbled, as Alfred materialized. Mississippi disappeared into smoke just then, and he knew she was now driving a car to do whatever he was doing.

"Are you okay?" he asked, gently, reaching out to touch his neck. His hand was immediately coated in a layer of thick blood, and Ivan rasped his answer.


"You don't seem very fine," Alfred said, reaching out to grab the back of his arm with his other hand, "come on."

Ivan nodded slowly, seeming to go in and out of complete consciousness yet still walking with him, if barely. His feet dragged in some moments, and Alfred blew air under his feet to keep him walking towards the medical ward.

Samuel glanced up at him, before jumping up.

"What happened?" he exclaimed.

"Civil unrest," Alfred said, his voice calm and level. Ivan leaned forward then, almost falling onto him, and Alfred moved to pick him up, putting him down on the nearest bed. Florida looked over to them, her arm in a sling, and made a face at all the blood.

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