Part 1: Origin

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His life has never been easy, that's a fact. If him having a mind controlling quirk that made everyone suspicious of him wasn't enough, having a drunk beating single father surely made him the odd one out. But he had a goal, he had planned his life out. Get into UA. Become a hero. Graduate. Leave home and never look back. Every passing day closer to graduating from middle school, Shinsou was eager to start a new chapter of his life. That is, until one day he came home to only remains of his house. Actually, of every building in the street. With his heart beating fast and eyes darting everywhere looking for an explanation, he ran up to his house. >Dad.<

Yes he hated his father, but it was still his dad. And as a hero wannabe, he couldn't just leave. So he pointlessly tried to move the wreckage while calling for his dad. With a loud high-pitched buzz in his ears and teary eyes, he couldn't think straight, but kept looking for his father. That is, until a figure showed up above the wreckage.

—Just stop kid. Doesn't matter who you're looking for, it's probably dead anyway. I mean, that was the whole point of me bringing the houses down

Shinsou observed the freaky smile the villain wore and looked around once again. So many destroyed homes, so many dead people. He heard cries and screams and- where were the fucking heroes?? This happened way before he even got there, so why wasn't anyone there? All the sadness turned into rage, only growing each time the villain spoke.

—It was fun you know. The families inside the houses looked so scared when I stared at them, and then so relieved when I walked away. But then, well, I destroyed the houses and killed them.... really satisfying.

He had such a happy expression it disgusted Shinsou. Did villains actually get off by killing people?

—Anyway, heroes gotta be coming soon so I better go. Don't you wanna spread the word about me, kid? Get some people to know me in exchange for me sparing your life, 'kay?

By now they could hear the sirens closing in. The villain turned around and Shinsou knew he couldn't just let him just go like that. Not unpunished.

—Wait, don't go yet. Let me ask you something.

The guy turned around, but didn't say a word. Fuck, he needed him to answer if this was going to work. The sirens got louder.

—Why the entire block? Wouldn't a couple of houses be enough if you just wanted to see the panic in everyones eyes? I bet you couldn't even enjoy all the terror you caused since you brought an entire fucking block down in minutes.

The villain stared at him, and Shinsou was wondering if he had made the wrong move. He could've just asked for his name or something. But amid all that anger and panic, he wasn't actually planning his moves. He was a mess, and could only think of one thing; not justice, but revenge. The sirens got louder. And in those seconds, which felt like minutes, he waited for the damned villain to answer him. By the time he opened his mouth, the world had gone silent. Shinsou didn't even make out what was said, he just needed him to say something. His heart squeezed and beat faster in his chest.

—Well, why not?

Shinsou grinned. He had won. The villains eyes turned dim as his mind fell in Shinsou's controll. His heart was still beating fast, a mixture of hatred and excitement. The single condition to activate his quirk had been fulfilled, the villain was basically his bitch now.
He was so focused on his accomplishment he didn't even hear the nearing footsteps as he uttered the command: choke yourself to death.

With a broad smile, he watched the villain's desperate face as he took his own life, a rather painfully slow process. The world stopped for that very moment, and Shinsou kinda understood what he had meant when he talked about the pleasure in seeing those desperate dying faces. Because watching this man die was pretty damn satisfying. He was in a trance, hearing only the choking sounds of the person before him. That went on for a while until he heard a rasp voice behind him.

—What the fuck did you just do?

Wide-eyed, he looked back to see the pro-hero Eraserhead. The world started spinning again, and he could hear those loud sirens. The crying and screaming. Police officers were setting a perimeter around the block.

—He was the villain. I didn't do anything wrong.

—You'll have to come with me to the police station.

—But I-

—Killed him, didn't you? You're coming with me.

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