Part 2: Alone

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Shinsou sat quietly in the police car. What was all the fuss even about? A villain killed his family and at least another dozen of innocent people. He just did what the heroes were supposed to do, but faster. And he dare say, or at least think, more efficiently. What right did that stupid Eraserhead have to put him in a viature after /he/ was the one who took so fucking long to get to the scene that let a civillian be at mercy of a villain? All things considered, he was the victm here. So why was he the one in cuffs? He literally saved people from that murderer.

Eraserhead got into the vehicle with a policeman and the car started to move.

—Where are you taking me?

—To the station.

—Don't you have to do that thing where you tell me my rights and tell me that everything I say can and will be used against me?

—No, we're just taking you as a witness, not a criminal

—Oh I'm sorry if the fucking handcuffs made me think otherwise.

—Pretty hotheaded, aren't you?

—I'd say I'm pretty chill for someone who just became an orfan and is handcuffed in the back of a police car.

—Was it your parents you were looking for in the debris?

It was a slight change, but Shinsou noticed how Eraserhead's voice had gone softer when he asked the question. And heavier, somehow. He hated to be treated with that much pity. He hesitated.

—How... how did you know I was looking for someone?

—Your clothes. Though I don't get how you went from looking for your family to killing someone.

>Well I don't get how you go from becoming a pro hero to not saving people.<

The intercom rings and he hears the message: a body was found on the remains of his house. Eraserhead looks back, wearing pitiful eyes to match that sorrow voice. Annoying.

—It seems that they-

—I heard.

—Is there anyone else we should be looking for? Another parent or sibling?

—Nope. Single child with a single parent.

There was no talk after that. Shinsou looked outside the window and wondered what was going to happen to him now that he had no family left. It's not as if his mother would take him in. He didn't even know if she was alive, and surely didn't want to live with someone who abandoned him. Other than that, he wondered what would be done to him regarding the villain he killed. He was a villain but after the way Eraserhead spoke, Shinsou supposed you're not allowed to just kill who murders your family and neighbours. So much for an eye for an eye, I guess. But it just doesn't. make. sense.

—He was a villain though, right? He killed my dad and like, all my neighbours. And he could've killed me. How am I in the wrong for taking him out?

—That's why where declaring it as self-defense. But no one is supposed to kill others. Not even heroes. We are only allowed to use lethal force when the situation demands it, which this particular situation didn't. You should've known better.

>fuck you<

—The villains quirk caused structures thinner than 2 meters to shatter, so with every building gone he had no way to counterattack with his quirk.

—So you just analized his quirk and the situation forever instead of actually getting to the scene? That's helpful.

—Save it for the station, boy.

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