It's Your Fault

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Once those words registered over Peter's panic, everything around him stopped.

The baby laughing three blocks over went silent. The couple arguing over their child's crying froze, venom still dripping from their tounges. The stray dog a few alley ways over stopped it's weak, desperate hunt for food.

As Ben Parker died in his arms, Peter swore he felt something shatter inside him.

All at once sound rushed back and struck with a vengence.

Too loud, it was too loud tooloudtooloudTOOLOUDTOOLOU-

Peter Parker screamed and New York shuddered.


Peter Parker was the kid everyone wished they were. Loving family, perfect grades, amazing friends, and all around happy go lucky guy. You would never see him without a smile on his face and you could barely walk down the halls without hearing him laughing about something with his friends.

Yeah, sure, his parents died. But they didn't care! Many kids look at Peter Parker and think losing their parents is worth what that kid has.

("Uncle Ben?"

"Yeah bud?"

"Do you think when I show Daddy and Mommy what I made, they'll let me go with them next time?"


"N-never mind.")

("Daddy! Look! I made a robot out of the spare parts you gave me and I named it-"

"Yeah, good job, Peter, but I'm busy right now, go show Mommy."

"Oh. Okay. S-sorry."

Peter doesn't show Mommy M.A.G.S (Motherly Affection Giving Simulator) )

("Why can't you take me with you! You promised!"

"Listen, Peter, your father and I decided that after this trip, we're going on a vacation to wherever you want! Huh? How does that sound?"


"Uh huh, now all you have to do is be good for your uncle and aunt, okay? You can't be making messes like you do at the house. It's irresponsible and you should know better? Right?"

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Good boy, now, see you in a few days okay?"

"You won't break your promise again will you?"

"No, Peter. Now we have to go, or else we'll be late. Bye peter."

"Bye Mom-"

*Dial tone*)

("Peter! Peter baby is that you?!"

"M-mommy? What are you doing? You said you're not aloud to call-"

"PETER! Baby, baby listen, please. Please...."

"Mommy? Mommy!?"


"Daddy! What's happening? What's happened to Mommy?"

"Mommy....Mommy's gone to sleep. A-and Daddy will too, soon."

"What? I can't hear you, people are screaming? Daddy!"

"Pete, we lov-"

Uncle Ben wasn't fast enough to stop Peter from hearing the sound of his parents dying in his ears. ( Or his dreams. )

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