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After my interview, Tehya gather my things and leave the building. She was in process of ordering a Uber but then corpse facetimes me. She answer putting my face in the screen.

"What's up, weirdo" She said, making him chuckle. She genuinely loved being on the phone with corpse. He makes life a little less boring, especially in times like this.

"What are you doing right now?" He asked. She looked around her to see the non-business Hollywood streets. He seemed excited asking the question.

"Umm.. I was in the middle of ordering my Uber, but then you called, what's up, you sound excited about something" She said, going back to the Uber app.

"Do you want to come over? He asked. Her eyes bulged out of their sockets. She was genuinely surprised by the question, but she didn't realized she didn't answer. "Hello?"

"Yeah, I'm still here, are you sure.. y-you want me to come over, I'm gonna see your face, and actually look at you, you know?" She asked. The thought of seeing his face really excited her. She always wanted to see his face but she never pressured him to do so.

"Yeah, I could fucking die tomorrow, and before I die, I want to officially meet you, and plus I just want to see how short you really are" He answered. She rolled my eyes, chuckling at him.

"Ok, send me your address and I'll be on my way" She said. Corpse ends the facetime call and sends me his address. She ordered her Uber and hopped in when it arrived.

Tehya grew nervous while the Uber continued on it's path to Corpse's apartment. She don't know why she was nervous but she was. She was trying to calm myself so she didn't have a anxiety attack in this Uber.

When the Uber came to a stop, She let out a breath. Tehya thanked the driver and get out the car, for a tall and fancy building. She pulls out her phone and calls Corpse.

"Hello?" He answered. "I'm downstairs" She said. She could hear Corpse moving. She then hear a door open and close indicated he just left his apartment. The sound of an elevator dings, makes her walk inside the building.

Tehya stands in front of the elevator as she waits for it to hit the main floor. She lets out a shaky breath, closing her eyes for a second. She couldn't shake the feeling. What if she says something stupid? What if she was ugly in his eyes? What if he laughs in her face?

Her insecurities were starting to fuck with her and at the wrong time to, but before she could come up with more terrifying thoughts in her head the elevator dings again, meaning the elevator hit lower lobby. She shakes her hands out in nerve and let out a deep breath. The elevator door slowly open, making her look up at the figure in front of her. He was the finest man she had ever seen. He had luscious curly black hair that almost covered his face, the elevator light shining in his dark brown eyes making them look bright, his jawline was so defined. He looked like a Greek god in her opinion.

"So are we just gonna stand here and look at each other all day or what? Where's my hug?" He said, opening his arms for her to walk into. She didn't wait another second and leaps into his arms, knocking him back a little.

He wraps his arms around her waist, as her legs were wrapped around his. They stayed there hugging each other for a long time, both of them very happy to be meeting face to face. They inhaled each other's scents, hugging even tighter.

They didn't want to let go of each other, but they knew eventually they would have to depart. Tehya unwraps her legs from his waist but didn't unwrap her arms from his neck, slightly making him lean forward to stay in the hug. His arms stay wrapped around her waist, they were swaying back and forth.

WAITING GAME ▶︎ ❮ corpse husband ❯Where stories live. Discover now