(BoZ) Serpahim x Female Reader

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This was requested by lazari14
Y/n P. O. V.

I gasped as I saw the once beautiful village in flames.
I looked through the crowd for Electra and Heron.
"ELEKTRA!!! HERON!!!" I yelled, trying to find them within the giant crowd.
"Y/N?!" I heard the panic yell of Elektra.
"ELEKTRA?!" I yelled once more and grabbed her hand.
"Elektra! Thank the gods!" I said as I hugged her.
"Have you seen Heron?" She asked worriedly. I shook my head.
She started panicking until we turned around to see the village burning. I let out a choked sob.

Elektra took my hand as we lifted an old lady who had fallen. We took her to Elektra's home and hid behind the gate. We were all shaking, and Elektra hugged me tightly. In her words, I was the daughter she never had. After my parents were killed by a cruel king, she took me in and raised me with Heron. That doesn't mean we are blood related though.

After the coast was clear we hid in the shed. But something fell in-front of the door, and we saw the presence outside.
Me and Elektra grabbed each other, worried that we were gonna loose each other. The door flew open and we saw all the demons and Cerberus and they threw us outside.

I got a glance of the Demon Leader and woooooooooo boi, that hair was lookin good. Wait... WHAT THE HECK AM I SAYING THIS DUDE ASS BISH KIDNAPPED ME AND ELEKTRA!!! Focus, Y/n. I quickly scrambled to reach Elektra, but someone stomped on my back, I screamed. Elektra cried as she looked at me, and stretched her arm out for me. I did the same in return, my eyes turning glossy.

"Elektra!" I yelled, crying, but they pulled me away from her. I saw Heron in the bushes and looked back to Elektra, and saw her praying and the elder woman lying dead on the floor. "Your prayers, won't help you." The Demon Leader said bitterly.  Heron charged from the bush and tried to kill the demons. He knocked out a few, but the leader punched him hard in the face, causing Heron to cough out blood. I gasped when I looked to my right to see Elektra, she was unconscious and her nose was bleeding. When she regained consciousness she tried to crawl over to Heron.

The Leader threw his spear to kill Heron, but it lead towards Elektra and it killed her. "ELEKTRA!!!" "NO!!!" Me and Heron yelled at the same time. The leader looked at me and told his henchmen demons to get Heron away from us. I was sobbing uncontrollably. The Demon Leader picked me up roughly and brought me into the forest.

He looked at me and back forward.
"What's your name?" He asked, weirdly enough, his voice sent goosebumps down my spine. I still felt an attraction to him.
"Y/n." I said in a small voice. He looked back at me and nodded. "Seraphim." Seraphim? That's a unique name. I still felt my nose runny, and my eyes felt dry while my throat- sore. I continued walking beside him as I had nowhere else to go.

Time skip
2 days later bish

He brought me into this cave, and it had an actual GIANT in it.
"By the G-" "Don't you dare speak of them in here!" He snapped. I jumped from fear and looked towards the ground. I dusted out my skirt and looked at Seraphim.
He gently took my hand in his and brought me towards the giant's dead body.
"Don't worry," he said softly. "It won't hurt." He brought me closer and he almost forcefully got my hand there. I screamed and tried to pull away. I thrashed about but he just pulled me since he was stronger. Be placed my hand on the Giant and I could feel the evil growing inside me. I screamed bloody murder. How could this white-ette  do this to me?! After my full transformation I looked at my hands. They were both a shade of greyish black. With red streaks.

"Why not just kill me?" I asked in a small voice.
"Because, I seem to have some sort of attraction towards you. You seem very beautiful and I can't bear to see you hurt, Y/n."  My eyes widened. I looked at him in shock. What the hell? You're telling me that this beautiful demon with white flowy hair and wipes out the world like a plague actually can love? Don't get me wrong, that's great but I didn't see that coming.

I walked towards him and placed my hand on his cheek. I looked into his eyes. "It's alright." I started. I seem to have some sort of attraction to you too. Even though it feels wrong, it feels right, Seraphim. I know I've only known you for a few days and it seems like this is too soon, but I love you. You seemed like an amazing man, but somehow you just strike me as really attractive." I responded.

"Y/n, are you sure? I mean I forced you to become a demon. How could you actually love me?" He whispered in disbelief.
"I don't know, maybe because I feel safe with you." I whispered.
His eyes took a glance at my lips, and leaned in. I leaned as well and met him halfway. As we kissed, I tangled my fingers in his long hair, slightly tugging and he brought his hands to my hair. His tongue licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, to which I denied at first but he supported me against a wall and that caused a gasp to emerge from me. He used this opening and slid his tongue inside. His hands lifting my legs which I wrapped around his waist, I slowly moaned into the kiss.

We pulled away since we were both out of breath.
"Stay with me, forever Y/n. Please." He silently begged.
"Forever, Seraphim."

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