(BoZ) Apollo x Reader

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Requested by ereri4lifeok

It wasn't that hard, you know.
Getting the God of the Sun jealous.

All it takes is to just hang out with Heron or Hermes for a while and then voíla.

I was talking with Artemis when Apollo walked by. I whistled.
"Dayum Apollo. You definitely are the Sun because my world revolves around you."

Artemis just stared at me as Apollo turned around. Artemis rolled her eyes, groaned and left. "Well, Lady Y/n, you and the current weather definitely have something in common: you're both hot." He flirted back.

I bit my lip to bite back a blush, but I couldn't stop the smile.

"You must be the Sun because your the center of my universe." I replied.

Mini Time Skip and 3rd P. O. V

"Hermes! You little idiot!" She laughed, now usually  her laugh sounded like music to his ears.

Not this time.

Apollo was literally STEAMING. He did not like how she laughed around Hermes, not at all.

"Brother, calm down otherwise you could melt Olympus. Not even Hephaestus is brave enough to walk up to you." Artemis spoke from behind Apollo. "Just tell her."

"I don't think she thinks of me more than just a flirt buddy."

"She flirts with you because she loves you, Apollo. Do I have to throw you in the washing machine for you to understand?" Artemis asked with a raised up eye brow. Apollo looked at his sister before he looked back at Y/n. She seemed to be having the time of her life with Hermes. Of course, who was he to deny her of friends, but maybe what Artemis said had some truth. Maybe she did love him.

"Alright, thank you, sister. I'll be on my way to speak with Y/n."

Apollo walked up to Hermes and Y/n, who was currently wiping away a tear from her eye. Apollo felt himself clench his fists to the point where he was certain his knuckles turned white. "Hermes, May I please speak with Y/n alone?"

Hermes nodded his head, a smirk present on his face, "Of course, Apollo." He then walked away, leaving Apollo and Y/n alone.

"I know this may seem wrong, but I don't like it when you're flirting with Hermes. I don't like you near him at all." Apollo stated, looking at Y/n. Y/n raised an eye brow. "Oh, really? Why's that?"

"I- well, I just don't like it." Apollo stuttered. Y/n smirked, "Wait, Apollo are you jealous?"

Apollo's face blushed several shades of red. "No!" He answered a bit too quickly. "Maybe... but only a little." Apollo added in a whisper.

Y/n smiled, "There's nothing to be worried about. Because... well..."

"Because what?" Apollo asked curiously.

"I asked Hermes to tell me something funny. He was in on it, he helped me try to make you jealous."

"But, why did you want me to be jealous?" Apollo asked with a raised eyebrow. "Because I wanted to know if you like like me, the same way I like you. I find you completely attractive, talented, hot," she winked when she said that word as Apollo snorted, "I also find you amazing, fun. And so much more. I've even just recently realised I am in love with you, Apollo."

Apollo didn't say anything. He just walked up to Y/n and kissed her passionately. Y/n smiled into the kiss, tangling her fingers in Apollo's gorgeous hair. His hands were at her waist, bringing her closer and closer to her, until one of his hands went to cup her cheek. His tongue swiped across her bottom lip, causing her to let out a moan. They then pulled away, breathing heavily.

"I love you, Apollo." Y/n said, in a small whisper. Apollo smiles and rested his forehead against hers, "I love you too, Y/n."

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