2| metathesiophobia

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"PAY UP KID," Bill's gruff voice said as he leaned over the counter. The store had the same musty but familiar smell, the overly bright lights flickering once in a while. As I looked around I could see the place was filthy as always.

The floors looked like they hadn't been swept in years, the windows tinted with dirt, and the tacky turquoise paint peeling off of the barley standing walls.

I rummaged around in my pocket before handing over a stack of cash. He reached out to take the money, eyeing it warily as he lifted an eyebrow.

"I assume this money is clean?" he said, looking at me straight in the eyes for any sign of fear which I didn't even bother to show. Of course, the money was clean.

It came from my parent's bank account, but it wasn't like they would notice it was gone. To them, the amount of money I took was like a speck of sand in the Sahara desert. Shrugging, I put out my hand.

"Assume what you want Bill. I give you cash, you give me what I want, no questions asked," I replied, still waiting for him to hand over the pills, pack of cigarettes, and a bottle of Jack Daniels. He shook his head as he rang me up at the cash register.

He punched in a couple of numbers and the cash register drawer popped open. The man took a second to count the change before handing me back my change.

"Keep it," I said, grabbing the goods and putting them into my backpack and swinging it back on my shoulder.

"I can't keep doing this," Bill warned, his eyes dark and serious. "It's not good for me or you."

He said this every time. He could be in serious trouble after all with the kind of things he'd been selling me. The trick was to give him an offer he couldn't refuse. I backed up, heading towards the door.

"Night. I'll be back," I said, hearing the bell chime as the door was pushed open. He only shook his head again, a small hint of a smile appearing on his face.

"I know you will be."

I got into my car, my heart slowing down a little as I got out of that particular part of the neighborhood. It wasn't exactly safe. The alleys were dark and secluded, filled with sketchy people and terrifying things seemed to always happen around there. The car roared to life, and I drove fast down the road.

After a couple of minutes, I arrived at my destination, an eerie but a familiar place. St. Leonard Regional hospital had been shut down for 2 years now. Only a year before the incident had occurred.

No matter how many times I told myself I wasn't going to go back there, I always ended up going there anyway. My head told me that I was being unwise, but my heart had a prolonged ache that lured me to this place.

I looked around, making sure that there was nobody there. It was dark and dead silent, not a single car passed the area. In one hand I held my already half-empty bottle of Jack Daniels and in the other a bottle of pills.

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