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I was never fond of going to the movies. The seats are always uncomfortable, the floors are always sticky, the food is overpriced, and I hate sitting next to strangers. Despite my feelings, I agreed to go to the movies with my group of friends. I was supposed to be working, but it was a Monday afternoon. Rather than making a few dollars, I decided to hang out.

Lauren had decided that it would be for the best if we all got ridiculously stoned before seeing Interstellar. She invited one of the strippers no one knew that well, Ally, along to babysit. I was skeptical about the film at first, but it was actually the most beautiful and intellectual thing I'd ever seen in my life. Whether it had to do with the weed or not, this was the best movie I had ever seen.

I was sat in the aisle seat, Lauren next to me. Our heads were resting on touch of one another's. She had a large popcorn in her lap, which we had eaten nearly all of. Next to Lauren was Niall, next to him was Zayn, next to Zayn was Dinah, next to Dinah was her boyfriend, whose name I couldn't remember, next to Dinah's boyfriend was Liam, and next to Liam was Ally. How we transported eight people from the club to the movies, I would never know. We hot boxed the entire length of the trip, and my memory wasn't working correctly.

"Oh, no," Lauren whispered suddenly.

I looked over at her, alarmed. "What?" I asked.

"We're out of popcorn." Lauren replied, pulling her head away from mine to meet my eyes. We made eye contact for far too long.

Eventually, we came back to our senses and Lauren silently excused herself to get more popcorn. Niall leaned over the now empty seat and got weirdly close to my ear. "This movie is the fucking craic, isn't it?" He asked.

It took everything in me not to burst out laughing. "What the fuck is a craic?" I questioned.

Niall shrugged. "The craic is the craic."

I looked at him seriously, staring into his deep blue eyes. "No, dude. That makes so much sense."

Niall nodded, holding eye contact. "You know what's the fucking craic?" He asked. I shook my head in response. "Time travel is the fucking craic."

I would have replied, but Lauren returned with more food. I whispered, "we'll finish this conversation later," to Niall and leaned back.

Lauren squinted her already mostly closed eyes at us, but shook it off. "I got more popcorn." She informed me. "I love you." She randomly added a few moments later.

"I love you, too." I replied, placing a sloppy kiss on her cheek. "I also love space."

Lauren's eyes shot open and even in the dark theater, I could tell how red they were. "It's so cool that you love space! You're so passionate about that shit, babe. Your tattoos are so cool. Can I look at them?"

I nodded and pulled up my Westward Grove label hoodie. I only had lingerie on underneath it, as I expected to be working today. Lauren leaned in close to my torso and touched my tattoos. Her hands were warm, and I savored the touch.

Her fingers made their way to my abs, and Lauren traced them carefully. "You're in such good shape. No, Camila. You're like, so hot. If you were famous everyone would want to fuck you." Lauren raved.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I whispered. She nodded and leaned in close. "I can sing. I just don't do it that often. It's like, my hidden talent."

Lauren looked at me with expectant eyes. "Babe, holy... shit. I want to hear you sing. Like, right now."

My eyes darted between her and our line of friends. "Let's get out of here." I suggested.

Lauren nodded and we swiftly stood up, exiting the theater. No one seemed to notice that we were leaving, for which I grateful. Lauren and I would have to come back and finish the movie some other time.

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