Daniel handed me an ice-cream, paying the vendor.
"Seriously?" I said, raising my eyebrows. "It's practically midnight. And it's cold."
"Shut up," he said, licking his ice-cream. "Eat. It's good."
I glared at him a little longer, before succumbing to the full-fat chocolate ice-cream.
"You don't seem to be complaining, now."
"Shut up."
He smiled, and bit into his ice-cream.
We were both walking aimlessly, along the streets of LA. Occasionally, our hands would brush, or our shoulders, a spark of electricity coarse between us, and I would jump about a foot away. There was something about now...maybe the romantic dimness of the sky, or the silence, or maybe even just the fact that he was Daniel Smith...
I shivered, and Daniel immediately took his leather jacket off, draping it over my shoulders. My eyes widened. Wow...he was nice.
I licked my ice-cream, just as Daniel brushed against me.
"Crap!" I cussed, my fingers losing grip on the cone. It landed on the floor, with a splat. I knelt on the ground, trying to pick it up before it got on my suede shoes. "Damn it..."
"What're you doing?" Daniel asked, grabbing my fingers. "Leave it! I'll get you another one."
I glared at him. "I'm not trying to -!" I said. I took a deep breath. Why was I even explaining myself to him? "I just want to clean it up! I mean, what if some kid steps in it, and..."
"Wow." He looked kind of surprised. "You're a really nice person."
I flushed. I felt kind of like a compliment.
"Uh, thanks," I mumbled, trying to pull my fingers from his grip. He let go, but bent down, passing me his ice-cream.
"Hold it," he instructed. "I'll clear it up." He gathered up the melting blob of ice-cream, and picking up the cone. I watched him run to the trashcan a couple yards back, then run back again, rubbing his sticky ice-cream hands on his jeans.
"Do you want to go?"
"Sure," I said, licking his ice-cream. He gave me a questioning look. "It's mine, now," I explained.
As we walked, I kind of lost my nerve, and didn't say something I'd wanted to say.
"You're a really nice person, too, Daniel."
We were now in some kind of suburban area. My eyes misted as I gazed at a house, nearby. The porch was red-white - just like one of the many houses I'd shared with my brother. I shook my head, dragging myself back to the present. I glanced over at Erica, who was staring at me. She looked away quickly again, blushing.
I smirked a little. It was nice to know I had power over her, at least.
"So..." I said, still smirking. "How've you like this 'date' so far?"
She glared at me, sensing I was teasing her.
"It's been awful," she answered almost immediately. My heart dropped.
"Why?" I sounded taken aback.
"One. My feet hurt," she said. I looked down, and raised my eyebrows. Her stilettos. Right.
"Two," she continued, holding up two fingers (not the swearing way - the "peace" way). "I just dropped my ice-cream. And I'm starving."
"You just ate mine!" I protested. She ignored me, wrinkling her nose in a way I couldn't help finding a little bit cute.