I walked over to the beach, tottering a little, even though I was in my pumps. I took another swig from the beer in my hand, and the whole world seemed to blur just a little bit more.
I smiled at the familiar voice. Who was it? All I could see were two blurs in front of me…two guys, wearing the exact same outfit.
“You decided to come, huh?” the two guys said, at exactly the same time.
“Wait a second…Erica?” Suddenly, the whole world seemed to fall over. The two guys ran over, and stopped it for minute.
They pushed me, and the world righted itself.
“Erica? It’s me, Tyler,” the two guys said, at exactly the same time. I giggled a little. They were so funny. “What’s funny, Erica?”
“Da two of you are talkin’ a da same time.”
“Who are you talking about? It’s just me, here. Tyler.”
But I wasn’t listening.
Behind him, was the guy I’d come here to beat up. He was standing on a boat, chatting to other guys. Suddenly, I was sober. Daniel. The bastard who kicked me out of his room for absolutely no reason.
I ran up to him, tottering a little. I took one more swig for luck.
“Hey, barsh-tard!”
He turned around, and he looked kind of surprised. I stumbled a little on the stairs, banging hard into a rope. I ignored it, and carried on climbing.
“Erica…what are you doing h –”
I punched him, full in the face. He collapsed onto the ground, and I shook my wrist out. Ouch.
“You shon o’ a bish!”
“Hey…the boat’s moving!” one of the guys yelled. Distracted, I turned around. He was right. The pier seemed to be getting smaller. As did Tyler.
“What the hell happened?” yelled Daniel, who’s gotten up, completely unharmed.
“The rope that was keeping us tethered…”
Daniel glanced at me.
“She knocked against it. It must’ve gotten unhooked.”
The guys cussed.
“How are we meant to stop it? No one has the keys to the engine, apart from Tyler! HEY TYLER! WHERE ARE THE KEYS?!”
“I don’t think he can hear us. We’re way too far.”
“Why don’t you have the keys? You’re his bloody brother!”
“I left them in my room!”
Suddenly, everything was too loud, and moving in different directions, all the colours moving and blurring confusedly. The sounds mixed, and I could no longer work them out.
“Stop it!” I screamed at the colours, trying to get them to stop moving. “Stop it! I don’t like it!”
They wouldn’t stop.
The guys yelled at each other, about the keys.
“Oh, right,” I said, tearing my eyes away from Erica. “I’m the one who has the spare keys. Tyler gave them to me.”
They all stopped, stunned.