Chapter 2: Finding Out

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Tendou paced restlessly around his room as he desperately tried to figure out why his soulmate would say those specific words. He hoped to literally and god or deity that was out there that his thoughts would not be true but he couldn't help the unsettling feeling that they were. He walked up to the mirror in his room and pulled up his shirt, taking another look at the words permanently inked onto his hip. He took a close look at the handwriting that accompanied the words.

"This literally cannot be happening. This isn't happening I refuse to believe that it is."

Tendou shook his head as he turned off his lights and got into bed. He laid on his bed restlessly for about an hour until he drifted off into a deep sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later That Morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tendou stumbled around his room sleepily as he finished getting ready for school. "I can't believe I still have to go to school. It's my birthday for christ sake just let me sleep in." he groaned as he walked out of his room.

The train ride to school was short and he lazily walked to his first class of the day as he had already missed morning practice.

The day was uneventful minus the embarrassing amount of times he had happy birthday sang to him in his many classes. Or at least it was boring until he got to practice.

Tendou sluggishly changed into his clothes he had brought for practice, exhausted by the days events.he noticed that none of the other third years were in the gym as he walked out of the locker room. In fact most of the team wasn't there.

Confused, he walked back into the locker room and just laid down on one of the benches and took a nap, thinking that practice was just being held later today.

Tendou awoke to someone lightly shaking his shoulder and opened his eyes slowly, noticing the rest of the team surrounding him on the bench. "What happened?" he said as he sat up and wiped the sleep from his tired eyes. Semi chuckled quietly "we decided to start practice later today and came in to see you passed out on the bench." Tendou sighed "Great. Best way to spend my birthday. passed out on a bench and volleyball practice" he mumbled to himself as he slowly stood up. "Well then I guess we should get to practice." he said and walked out of the locker room, yawning widely as he did so. It wasn't til the end of practice that Tendou noticed Ushijima's absence.

He dismissed any negative thoughts that came to his mind as he changed and got ready to go home. Tendou midnlessly walked to the train station as he let his thoughts drown out the rest of the world. He stepped on the train and stood quietly near the doors as the train left the station and he watched the world blur by.

The next few hours were a blur as Tendou worked on homework he had receieved throughout the school day.

Tendou sighed, finally done with his homework and leaned back in his chair, wondering what he should do now. He sighed loudly before standing up and getting changed into casual clothes to go to Ushijima's house to talk to him about the soul marks. Tendou walked slowly on his way to Ushijima's house, scared for what they were going to talk about when he got there.

The walk to Ushijima's house didn't take very long as they don't live too far from each other. He slowly walked up to Ushijima's door once he reached the Ace's house and knocked on the door. Tendou waited patiently outside Ushijima's house for a minute before Ushijima opened the door slowly.

"H-hey" Tendou said and waved shyly, his hands slightly covered with the sleeves of his sweater. "C-can I come in?" he asked shyly as he kind of awkwardly stood there. Ushijima nodded and stepped out of the way for Tendou to come in. Tendou walks in to Ushijima's house, slipping his shoes off as he does so. "S-so I'm sure th-that you already know w-why I-I'm here." he stuttered out slowly. Ushijima sighs lowly and nods. "You got your soul mark last night didn't you?" he asked quietly. "Y-yeah..." Tendou shakily said. "C-can I ask wh-what yours says?" he says cautiously before Ushijima nods slowly and lifts up his shirt.

The words written across his chest haunted Tendou for the next few nights. After he saw Ushijima's words he knew that his fears about his own words were true. He couldn't help but feel scared for a while until he slowly drifted off to sleep, lulled away by his own terrified thoughts.

He awoke at about 4 in the morning and decided to go take a walk and see the stars so he quickly put on a hoodie he had in his closet, and ran to the front door to put on his shoes and go walk to the park just down the street from his house. Tendou couldn't help the anxiety that flowed through his body as he thought about the words that he and Ushijima had written on their bodies. It just didn't make sense.

"Why?" That's all he asked himself as he walked. Why did it have to be them that would fall into a fate as cruel as this. Why was it that they would have to be the ones to endure this? Tendou couldn't fathom the harsh reality that was coming into view as his life played out before his very own eyes.

A/N 933 words. So, I'm sorry if this chapter seems a little rushed I was up like all of last night trying to finish this and I probably rushed it seriously bad towards the beginning of the chapter and I'm sorry for that if I did. but this is chapoter 2! 2 chapters in one day :) so for literally anyone rading this if you think theres anything I could do better in the next chapter just leave a comment! I'll be working on chapter 3 as soon as I post this chapter so hopefully I won't keep you waiting too long for the next chapter :)

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