{3} the sleepover

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still y/n pov

it was 6pm and i started to get ready, i washed my face, put on my black oversized hoodie with a cute skirt and paired them with high black boots, a black sling and some make-up. i loved the overall look and it was already 6:45. 

i started packing my backpack, i took all the essentials like my moisturizer cause i have freakin dry skin, a lip balm, an extra sweatshirt, my nike shorts, my perfume, my phone, headphones even tho i most probably won't need them and my makeup

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i started packing my backpack, i took all the essentials like my moisturizer cause i have freakin dry skin, a lip balm, an extra sweatshirt, my nike shorts, my perfume, my phone, headphones even tho i most probably won't need them and my makeup.

 i noticed it was already 7 and noah wasn't here yet. so i decided to text him

noah's pov

holy shit i'm late. she must be thinking i'm an irresponsible idiot who can't do 1 single thing properly. i was driving when i received a notification. it was a text fromy/n

From Y/N/N

Y/N/N: wya schnipper?😤

Noah: sorry i'm almost here.

Y/N/N: okay❤

Noah: open up xx

just a text from her and i get chills down my body? damnn y/n.

i reached her place and rang the bell. her mom opened the door

"hello mam. i'm here to pick up y/n"

"oh hi you must be noah. please come in and oh call me (your mother's name)"

i gave her a smile and walked in. i was looking around when y/n walked down the stairs. and when i tell you she looked pretty, i mean she looked like a princess. she looked so gorgeous. oh goshh.

"hey noah you're here FINALLY"

"i know i'm sorry princess" i said making a puppy face

"gosh you're too cute. c'mon" 

wait. did she just call me cute? ohmygodimdying. or maybe it was just casual. i can't tell.

i led her towards my car and opened up the door for her.

"why thank you kind sir" she said and i laughed.

y/n pov

as i sat down in the car, i was thinking about how i called noah cute earlier. am i stupid or what? ughhh. my thoughts were interrupted by noah

"hey you okay?"

"yeah i just got zoned out i-i'm sorry" i stuttered.

"haha no problem. and yeah i'm sorry for being late. my sister chloe wouldn't let me go"

"it's alright schnapple"

"stop calling me that" he chuckled

"nope. never"

"too bad"

"hey noah can i tell you something?" i figured i should tell him about this.

"yeah sure what is it?"

just when i was about to tell him about my secret, millie called. i put her on speaker.

"Y/N/N where are you? it's 7:20 and even noah hasn't shown up yet"

"millie im on my way. and noah said he could pick me up so he's with me"

the phone call ended with a lot of oooohhhs and ahhhhhs from the other end. both of us blushed like crazy.

we reached her place in 5 mins

i rang the doorbell waiting for someone to open up.

"hello there lovebirds" finn answered. i rolled my eyes and noah playfully hit him on the shoulder

"you guysssssss. i'm starving. got anything to eat?" i asked

"we've ordered pizza. so what do you wanna do now?" sadie asked

"truth or dare. classic" caleb replied. everyone agreed and we sat in a circle.

"finn you go first" millie said

"alright sadie, truth or dare"


"do you like caleb?"

"ermmm yeah" and the whole room started teasing those two

after a couple of rounds, noah said "y/n truth or dare?"


"you're a risk taker huh? i like it. sooo for dare, you gotta go to your ex's insta profile and like every single one of the pictures they've posted"

"what in the world? NOO WAYYY"

"c'mon be a sport"

and i did so. a couple of rounds later, all of us got bored and decided to watch a movie

"y'all wanna watch the IT?" gaten asked

"nope. scary movies are not my thing" i said

"it's not like you don't have noah by your side. he'll "protect" you"

so millie put on IT and we started watching. i held noah's hand and squeezed it hard everytime a scary scene would come on. 

"i'm sorry if you're getting uncomfortable"

"what? no its totally fine" he said this and put his arm around my shoulder.

he's so cuteeee

Noah's pov

i'm sorry for changing pov's so frequently. just a little experiment. 

it's very cute how everytime a scary scene would come up, y/n would squeeze my hand.

after i put my arm around her shoulder, she got tensed up a little but then quickly relaxed. gosh, she is so pretty i can't-

soon, she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. she looked too precious. since she was in deep sleep, i whispered and told the others that i would sleep besides her and they can head to their rooms. all of them starting squealing silently and aww-ed. i rolled my eyes and looked back at y/n. she's beautiful. alright i'm simping too much i should probably stop.

time skip to 5am in the morning

i woke up to notice y/n staring at me. after she saw that i woke up, she flinched and was about to fall off the couch when i caught her hand in time and we burst out laughing but silently sice she we didn't want to wake the others up.

"sorry i wasn't staring" y/n said which disappointed me a little

"alright y/n/n." i laughed and she blushed

"hey remember i was about to ell you something last night in the car?"

"oh yeah what was it?"

"well i..."

a/n oops sorry for the cliffhanger guys. love y'all🥺💕

wc: 964 words

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