{7} leaving for atlanta

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a/n heyyyy look who's back again? i know i haven't updated in a month but i had a HUGE writers block and now i'm back to writing again. also, thank you @sugarschnapp for being the best🥺🥺💕 i couldn't have asked for a more supportive and loving online bestie ily.

please listen to the song above

*timeskip after 1 week*


today was the day that we went to atlanta for filming. our flight was scheduled for 1am in night as there'll be less people and less paparazzi. we're gonna begin filing after a week but for now, reaching there was important.

 i spent the entire week completing my school assignments and now i'm free.my mom, being the nicest person she is, helped me pack my bag and now i'm free. i was laying on my bed when i got a call from noah

"hey y/n/n" he said

"hi schnipper what's up"

"umm i need some help"

"sure. anything. what do you need help with?"

"i haven't packed my stuff yet so i was wondering if you could help me with it?"


"alright just grab your stuff and come over asap"

"i'm on my way"

"haha okay see you"

and with that he hung up. "MOM I'M GOING TO NOAH'S" i yelled

"OKAY HONEY" she yelled back.

i grabbed my car keys and drove there. and now that you ask, yes i'm not 16 yet, so i can't legally drive but yeah my mom allows me to since she knows i'll be careful (how i wish that was irl, but i'm careless so okay)

i rang the doorbell and a tired asf noah opened the door

"hey prettiness" he said

"hiiii" i laughed

he leaned against the door and was staring at me 

"sooooo...?" i raised my eyebrows in order to let him know he hasn't asked me to come in yet (no you guys aren't vampires and if you get that reference, iflyyyyy)

"oh yeah c'mon in let's go inside" he replied laughing

"hey noah is your girlfriend here yet?" somebody yelled. i think it was chloe.

"FOR THE 70TH TIME TODAY, SHUT UP CHLOE" he yelled back. 

we went upstairs in his room and i complimented his room. "wow your room is really cool". he smiled and replied with a thanks. we were about to start packing chloe came inside.

"jeez chlo can't you knock?" noah said

"why? were you guys making out or something?" chloe teased us and both of us remained silent. a blush creeping to our faces. 

"umm anyways, for the account, i'm chloe, noah's twin" she introduced herself and moved her hand forward for me to shake

"hi. i'm y/n. noah's friend" i shook her hand

"friend? i thought you were his girlfr-"

"no she isn't my girlfriend chloe" noah cut her off and i laughed

"then why do you talk about her 24/7" chloe schnapped back (lmfao sorry i had to)

 "no i don't. now why don't you do us a favour and leave us alone?" noah said 

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