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Dabi and Toga carefully wandered through the streets. It had been a whole week since Hawks had been announced missing. Dabi wouldn't give up on looking for him, he had even teamed up with Miruko in an attempt to find the missing hero. The two villains entered an abandoned building where Miruko was already waiting for them.

"Where haven't we looked yet?" Miruko asked getting frustrated. Dabi looked at the map of the city and drove a dagger into it "the hero commission" he stated. He was certain Hawks would be there but there was no way he could get in "Rumi, you gotta go in there and find him" Dabi knew he sounded desperate but he didn't care. Miruko nodded in agreement "but I have to do it alone" she added as she left. "We'll give you three hours before we come looking for you" Toga said just before Miruko left.

Dabi didn't want to wait up to three hours, he wanted to know where his boyfriend was. "Hey, Dabi, we're gonna find him okay" Toga said trying to comfort the other. She could tell it was stressing him out "hey, this building is abandoned right? Why don't you let some of the stress out she suggested. Dabi nodded, there wasn't much else he could do without getting caught anyway. He found the part of the building that had once been a gym and started punching.

Once Miruko returned Dabi sat down "so what did you find out?" He asked.
"I overheard someone say they were releasing him today, once he's back out I'll go find him, I don't know if you should come with me or not but if you do stay hidden until we're out of the public eye" she replied. Dabi agreed to her condition and Toga decided she would go as well, to keep and eye on Dabi.

The three had kept the news on all day knowing the second Hawks was released it would be all over the news. Before long they heard the announcement
"It has just been confirmed that Hawks has now made a full recovery and will be back to work. To all his fans out there don't worry he will have time to say hello if he sees you on the streets"

Dabi, Toga and Miruko figured now was the best time to go find Hawks. As he promised Dabi stayed hidden and Toga made sure to stay transformed so that they wouldn't get caught.

Miruko eventually spotted Hawks doing a patrol which he only ever did as a publicity thing, probably to let the public know he was back.  She ran over to him and practically dragged him away "I'm so glad you're okay" she squealed trapping Hawks in a tight bear hug. "Hey, I know I've been gone to recover but I still need to breathe Miruko" just as Hawks said it she let go. Already she could tell something was wrong, "Kei? You okay?" She asked

Without Hawks having a chance to say anything Dabi left the shadows "you okay? Did they hurt you? I swear if they did anything I'm gonna...." Dabi started before being interrupted. Hawks took a step back, confusion obvious in his face "Miruko, why are you here with him?" He askd sounding suspicious.

"Don't call me that, how do you know that name?" He backed away some more. Toga had realised something was wrong and so decided to stay hidden, unable to keep up her transformation any longer. Miruko and Dabi were a little confused, of course they knew his real name, they were his best friend and his boyfriend. "What did they do to you?" Miruko asked realising the commission must have done something. "You're with them now are you" Hawks stated more so than asked before he stretched out his wings and flew off.

This was bad "what the fuck just happened?" Dabi asked when Hawks had vanished. He had no idea, he was so confused. "Well, I think my hero reputation is about to be destroyed and the commission did something to him"  Miruko replied just as confused.

Hawks landed a few rooftops away. He couldn't believe that Miruko was with the villains now but at the same time, for whatever reason, he couldn't seem to get Dabi out of his head. It had been different to seeing a picture of him. Hawks wasnt really sure what he was going to do next, tell the commission what he had discovered, or keep it to himself. He sat on the rooftop for a while trying to figure it out before making his decision.

"I mean if you need somewhere to stay and lay low for a while until we know what he's going to tell then I'll make crusty let you stay at the base with us" Dabi stated. Afterall it was the least he could do for her given how much she had helped with finding Hawks, and Shigaraki owed him, it was his fault that Hawks had been so injured in the first place.

Sorry it's been so long between updates just not really had the motivation to write and I've been busy... anyway I hope you like this chapter thanks for reading this far

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