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"you idiot" Dabi grumbled as he used his fire for some real heat. Dabi hadn't realised how bad it was until he noticed that Hawks wasn't responding. "Hey little birdie, you... you awake?" He asked hoping more than anything that he got some sort of response. When he didn't get a response he started to panic "Keigo come on, wake up" he practically begged as he shot the flame in his hand into a nearby bin. Dabi picked Hawks up and walked over to the fire trying to warm the other up.

Before long Miruko found Dabi next to the fire, at first she didn't see Hawks "Dabi, really why are you... oh... is... is he...?" She asked unable to finish her sentance and suddenly realizing why Dabi looked upset from a distance. Dabi just shrugged and wrapped his arms around Hawks more slowly raising his own body temperature "I don't know" he managed to reply.

"I'll see if I can find somewhere inside nearby" Miruko said as she turned away to find shelter. Dabi continued to try warming Hawks up "come on, you can't die on me" it was times like this he was glad he physically couldn't cry because he knew he would be a disaster right now. After a few long minutes Miruko returned "I found somewhere, come on I'll put the fire out later" Dabi warmed his own body temperature more before following Miruko to an abandoned warehouse.

Dabi quickly set another fire to sit in front of whilst still holding his unconscious boyfriend, only comforted by the fact that Hawks had moved slightly to cuddle into Dabi more. "Not sure how long we can stay here before they start looking for him, we should probably move to my place soon" Miruko stated as she returned again. "Long enough for me to be warm enough again" Hawks mumbled finally regaining consciousness.
"You're an idiot, don't scare me like that again okay"
"Love you too" Hawks laughed "bright side is the near death thing gave me my memories back" he added. Before long Miruko led the way to her place, Dabi followed carrying Hawks making sure to keep him warm.

After a while Hawks felt well enough to start moving around and so he did, just in time to receive a phone call. "Hey, what's up?" He asked "yeah, I guess I can" he started walking around a little "yeah yeah I know, I'll be there as soon as I can" he finished before hanging up. He quickly grabbed something to eat "they need me for something I'll be back later" he called to the others before taking off out the window. "Hawks wait...!" Dabi called only to cut himself off "and he's already gone"

Hawks landed just outside the commission building and walked in "yeah apparently I'm needed again so here I am" he said before the receptionist had chance to say anything. Once he had checked in he made his way to the office he needed. Without bothering to knock he entered and sat in a large chair in the corner of the room "Hawks, glad to see that you actually meant it when you said as soon as you could" the man said before dismissing the girl he had been talking with.

"Yeah well, don't want you erasing my memories again, do I, Nakamura" he replied without any hesitation. The man looked at Hawks in surprise "so you know about that" he stated more so than anything.

Dabi was getting impatient, Hawks had vanished hours ago "I swear if they..." he cut himself off as Hawks crashed into the window "fucking idiot" Dabi mumbled as he went to open the window "there is a door you know"

So I rewrote like half of this chapter because I didnt like how it was going 😂

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