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guide !

y/n : your name




Y/N WALKED INTO THE clothing store with her sister by her side, the two had their arms linked and Alex followed behind the two. He, however, separated from the two to take a look at some of the overalls.

"He's gonna look like a fucking farmer," Abril snorts as she watched her older brother.

y/n glares at Abril,"Don't drag overalls!"

Abril rolls her eyes at y/n as y/n let's go and looks through the clearance section.

"Anyways, I bumped into Nishinoya yesterday and he seemed kinda upset. Did you do something?" Abril asks, taking out a red hoodie but immediately putting it back as she saw it had a '#GIRLBOSS' printed on it with glitter.

y/n looks over at her sister, confused. "What do you mean? He seemed fine."

"Well, what did you two talk about?" Abril asks, playing with the sleeves of a few hanged clothes.

y/n grabs an article of clothing that seemed nice, thinking about last night. "Well, he seemed like he wanted to tell me something but Angel interrupted," y/n explains.

Abril stared at y/n with annoyance.

"What?" y/n asks, shrugging.

"I need more details!" Abril exclaims.

y/n felt her cheeks heat up as she remembered how Nishinoya pulled her closer to him last night. "He just, sort of, hugged me," y/n says quietly, turning back to the clothing rack.


"Hey, look at these overalls with this turtleneck!" Alex shouts as he rushes up to his sisters.

The three siblings were currently shopping as their father and Angel were in the store next door to find a skateboard for Angel. Their father was in Canada but flew back to Japan a few weeks earlier than usual since he sort of quit.

y/n was happy her father is back and won't be going on more business trips to countries that were thousands of miles away across the sea but she felt a bit worried. Her mother didn't have a high-paying job and how is her father going to find work?

y/n looked up to see Abril trying to put the overalls and turtleneck back while Alex insisted on buying them. y/n smiled softly at her two siblings but it disappeared as she thought of Nishinoya, wondering why he would be upset.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Y/N SAT ON A BENCH on the roof of the school with her lunch in her lap. Abril sat beside her eating her own lunch, the two girls eating silently as they looked upon the greenery of their home. The two girls would usually eat in the classroom but it was a cloudy, chilly day with the smell of rain. It was their favorite weather, how could they not be outside and enjoy it?

Alex was going to eat with the two girls but he decided to hang out with Hinata and Kageyama. Those three sort of became an iconic trio ever since Alex joined the volleyball team.

The door that leads to the roof opened, revealing two loud boys.

"Oh, we found them!" One of them exclaims excitedly.

y/n turns around, along with Abril, and there Tanaka and Nishinoya were.

"Abril, Hinata stole that bag of chips in your bag," Tanaka says to Abril who sighs in annoyance.

She puts away her meal and stood up, practically stomping as she walked inside with Tanaka following her. y/n returns to her meal as Nishinoya sat beside her, stealing a bite of her food.

"Hey!" y/n said, glaring at Nishinoya as he ate the sushi he just stole.

"What? It's good," Nishinoya shrugs, y/n giggling softly as she looks back down at her lunch.

Nishinoya rests his head on her shoulder. "Hey, you've been with your dad all week. Is he taking a few days off?" Nishinoya asks as y/n offers him another sushi, which he accepts happily.

y/n shakes her head,"No. He quit."

Nishinoya stared at her, dumbfounded.

y/n laughs softly. "Yeah, I was shocked too. He's planning on getting a job here. I'm just glad he won't be gone all the time," y/n says as she closes her bento box.

"Oh, well that's good. I'm really glad you're working it out with your dad," Nishinoya says, eating the sushi y/n gave him earlier.

y/n hums, nodding,"Me too."

She looks over at her friend who still was leaning against her as he gazed upon the town.

"Hey, noya?" y/n calls out softly.

Nishinoya only hums in response.

"What were you gonna tell me the other day?" y/n asks, referring to the day he walked her home and was going to tell her something.

"Huh? It was nothing," Nishinoya sat up, blushing evident on his cheeks.

y/n leans closer to him, causing the poor boy's heart to speed up. He wondered if she could hear his own heart.

"It was not nothing," y/n says, never pulling away from the boy.

Nishinoya's eyes wandered down to her lips, her soft lips that are just so kissable. He could easily give her a kiss right there because of how close she is and he really wants to. He wants to feel her lips against his and he wants to make her smile and he wants to make her laugh and giggle and he wants to make her fall for him. Nishinoya just wants her. He needs her.

"You wanna know?" Nishinoya whispers, leaning closer towards her.

y/n was unfazed by this action as she nodded, never breaking eye contact with him,"Yeah, I really do."

"y/n," Nishinoya caresses her cheek with his hand as he looks at her lovingly,"What I wanted to tell you was..."

He noticed y/n's expression becoming a bit flustered as she realized how close he really is. She felt her heart begin to beat faster as he pressed his forehead against hers. She felt this sudden happiness as he said these three simple words.

"I like you."

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