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guide !

y/n : your name
n/n : nickname



Y/N ENTERED HER CLASSROOM, glad that she successfully walked past the gym without Nishinoya seeing her. y/n wasn't sure how long this little break of theirs will last but she hopes it will end soon. She was tired of it and just wanted to cuddle in his arms by the end of the day and shower him with affection since he is the one who is most broken by this.

y/n sat down at her desk, looking over at the empty desk beside her where her twin would usually sit. But today was not the case, nor was it any other day. y/n was annoyed that Abril treated her like she was nobody now. Abril seems to only hang out with Tanaka and seems to have gained some second-year friends from Tanaka's class since she is always there during her free time.

Abril soon entered the classroom, waving goodbye to a girl with pigtails. She took a seat beside y/n, greeting her,"Hey."

y/n, who rested her head on her hand, only hummed in response. She didn't feel like talking to someone who clearly seemed to not care.

"Do you want to hang out with me and Aiko after school, we're gonna study for that upcoming math test," Abril offers, taking out her textbook for their Japanese writing class.

y/n looks over at her sister,"Who's Aiko?"

"The girl who walked me to class just now. I thought I told you about her?" Abril wonders aloud, putting her bag away.

y/n only shakes her head in response.

Abril turns her body to face y/n. "It's the girl who is really obsessed with those creepy, horror mangas. I told you, didn't I?" She explains, now confused.

"You probably told someone else," y/n says, pulling out her phone as she got a text message.

It was a text from Yachi, asking if they can eat lunch together. Abril curiously leans in,"Who is it? Nishinoya?"

y/n gives her a look, Abril giving back a confused one. y/n sighs and sends a message back to Yachi while saying,"We kinda got into a fight so it wouldn't make sense if he texted me."

Abril made an 'oh' face. "What happened?"

y/n looked around the classroom which didn't have very many people. It was still early, just fifteen minutes before class officially started. Usually Abril would be with her little second-year friends but today was not the case. Strange.

"He just got jealous of Kenma," y/n says quietly so nobody would listen.

"Why?" Abril asks.

y/n looks over at Abril, wondering where this sudden interest came from. "I guess he didn't like how close Kenma and I were. He said it seemed like Kenma liked me and it turns out he was right."

"Wait, what?"

"Kenma likes me."


"I said Kenma--"

"No, shut up. I heard you the first time just.. what?"

y/n nodded,"Yeah, that was my reaction, too."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Abril asks.

y/n sighs, shrugging,"I dunno. You just didn't bother to listen when I tried telling you."

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