First day: Cloud Tower (Part 2)

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"Welcome witches! As you know I'm Head mistress Griffin and this is the school for witches, you all will learn potions, evil spells, and all the best witch craft, but as you know we do not us our dark magic against other people, for example fairies, even though we all hate those pixies" 

"Some of you are new and some of you are on your second year, you have your dorms now, so get going" 

"That was a short welcoming" A witch said. 

"Here's our room" The witch opened the door to see three other witches. "Um, this is our dorm" 

The three looked at the two and laughed. "No, it's ours now, go find another dorm" 

"We can't this is--" 

"Didn't you hear my sister? Leave stupid witch or else" A witch with long brown hair, purple pants, and a purple top.   

"Or else what?" 

A white haired witch with a icy outfit stood and formed a icy ball and threw it at the ground and ice formed. "I'll freeze you" 

"Who do you even think you are?" 

"The Trix" The three said together. "Mirta, the Trix...the strongest and most feared witches"
 A green haired witch said. 

"Come on" Lucy walked off. "Go!" 

Mirta closed the door. "Ugh, stupid new witches, at least Mirta's friend knows who we are" A witch said with hair like storm like clouds. 

"We do have a great reputation are the best witches" 

"You know...Alfea started today as well...we should crash their party that happens in two days, we did it last year and it was so much fun" 

"Why not, we did get in trouble but who cares"

"True that, Icy" 

"We should create a monster to crash their petty party" 

"No, Stormy, the heroes always go and give the pixies a gift, we should curse their gift" 

"I like that, Darcy" Icy smirked. 

"I'm so bored, nothing to do...ugh" Stormy groaned. "Follow my lead, lets show that Mirta what we can do" Darcy said. 

  "Dark Creature, form!" Darcy said and a meduim sized dark creature formed. "Your goal is to scare the witch named, Mirta in her dreams, you will show her that she must fear us, the Trix" 

It growled and vanished. "Once she goes to sleep, he will appear" 

"We need to see this" Stormy said chuckling. "Vacuum!" Icy formed her crystal. 

"We'll connect the three of ours to watch this show" Icy laughed. 

"All witches report to potion lab" 

"Class, what fun" Stormy groaned. 

The three went to the lab and went to the seats. 

Darcy eyes glowed a white when she looked at Mirta's bottles to make potions. 

"This is your first grade, you must create a a simple 10 second blinding potion" 

Every witch poured in the right ingredients. Mirta followed the steps. Mirta's friend, Lucy's potion's color turned to a white color. 

Mirta poured the last ingredients and it turned to a green color. She raised a brow and gasped as it rose into the air and formed into a large green snake. 

Witches gasped. The Trix smirked and chuckled. "Mirta!" The teacher yelled. The snake hissed at a witch and stared at her and shot a beam and the witch turned to stone. 

"Dark Creature, vanish!" The teacher blasted the snake away. 

The witch was freed from stone. 

"Mirta, the one thing I told you was to make a simple blinding potion and you create a stone snake?! If you can't handle to make a blinding potion, you don't belong here!"

"Miss, I'm sorry, I don't know what happened" 

"Leave at once! You have your first F!" 

Mirta sighed and walked up the steps and saw the Trix chucking. Mirta locked eyes and ran out. 

"Those rude witches!" 

After classes and lunch is was now night. 

"Vacuums!" The Trix formed their crystals and watched as Mirta was scared by the dark creature. "I hope she learned her lesson today" Icy laughed. 

"She did, she better" Stormy laughed. "That potion spell was perfect" Icy said to Darcy. 

"This year will be so much fun"

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