Chapter 5

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THE next day, they hadn't quite been able to avoid their fathers' stern faces, but the three of them managed to escape the house early. They ended up in the large field much sooner than they were supposed to. No one else was there when they arrived.

Elyn, still cranky about their late night, immediately sat down against a tree and closed her eyes, presumably dozing off. That left Asmeen and Wylla to pass time on their own.

Eventually, though, the other trainees filled the field. Asmeen wasn't sure which were for the Flower Children and which were for the Children of the Night, but she'd soon find out. She recognized a few, vaguely.

They were all looking at each other, taking in their opponents. The field filled, and, right on time, Dara Segast and Osoric Beor walked out of the surrounding trees and stood at the front of the field.

"Sit down!" Osoric called. "And separate, please. Flower Children to my left, Children of the Night to my right."

Wylla brushed the ground for them before sitting down gingerly. Asmeen would have laughed if she hadn't been so nervous. It was like the ghosts of all the birds flittering above them were flittering her stomach. She was glad she hadn't eaten much in the morning.

"Good morning, all of you!" Dara said, the field so quiet that all of them could hear her with her having to shout. "First of all, congratulations on having made it."

Osoric nodded. "Congratulations. Now, let's not waste any time." He clasped his arms behind his back, glancing around the field. "We are here to announce your partners for the upcoming months."

"Cheating will not be tolerated! If any one of you so much as tries to sabotage your partner—and we will find out—you will be immediately expelled. Consider yourselves warned!" Dara said, her voice rising.

Osoric, too, gave them a stern look. "We expect the utmost dignity and respect from you, considering your status as trainees. Any misbehavior will be punished."

The field was still silent. Asmeen wasn't planning to cheat, of course. She didn't think any of the trainees were—but then again, she didn't really know any of them.

"Alright, now. Let's move on. When we call your names, please come up here," Dara said. She took out a roll of parchment from a pocket of her dress. Osoric glanced at it as well before they began calling the names.

First, of course, were the young ones. The trainees just past their fifteenth. So young. As the years progressed, more and more children stood up and walked to the front of the field, standing beside their partners.

Asmeen watched carefully. There was no open hostility, of course, and Dara and Osoric knew what they were doing, matching all of them. They'd been doing this for years. Finally, their year began.

Elyn was the first of the three of them to be called. She was partnered with a girl much taller than her who Asmeen didn't recognize. The material of her dress looked expensive. Then, Wylla and another girl were paired, and they began talking immediately.

Finally, Dara called her name. On shaky legs, Asmeen walked up. Only her and another boy were left for the Flower Children, and two boys for the Children of the Night.

"Aven Hilfen!" Osoric called. One of the boys stood up and walked to her. They exchanged nods and waited for the last two to walk to each other.

"Tomorrow, the final round will commence!" Osoric announced, and he and Dara walked out of the field.

As was custom, everyone stayed to talk to their partner. Asmeen exchanged an apprehensive look with Wylla before turning to her partner. Aven Hilfen. He was a head taller than her, with dark hair and pale skin. He was handsome.

"I'm Asmeen," she said, smiling tentatively.

"Aven," he said, nodding politely. At least he seemed nice. "Look, I don't want us to compete, or, you know, be bitter—"

"That's exactly how I feel," Asmeen said, the words coming out in a rush. "I'd like it if we could cooperate."

Aven smiled. "I hope so too. So, why do you want to be a Flower Child?"

Asmeen shrugged. "It's what my father wants, since my mother was one." She didn't mention that her mother had been the leader. You?"

He narrowed his eyes, looking out into the distance. "Being a Child of the Night...excites me. I can imagine myself doing what they do."

Asmeen nodded. It made sense. "Well, whichever one of us is picked, let's not be bitter."

Aven grinned suddenly. "Perfect. I have to go. See you tomorrow."

Asmeen gave him a tight smile and nodded. He took off, and she walked over to Elyn, who was waiting, leaning against a tree. Her eyes were closed.

"So, how was your partner?" She asked, standing beside her.

Elyn shrugged, her eyes still closed. "Decent."

"Mine too," Asmeen said.

"Wylla's?" Elyn asked, her eyes still shut.

Asmeen looked over to Wylla, who was still talking to her partner. She caught Wylla's eye and gestured in the direction of their house. Wylla nodded and said something to her partner before walking towards them.

"How is she?" Asmeen asked.

Wylla smiled. "Nice. Yours?"

"They seem nice," Asmeen said, glancing at Elyn. She didn't oppose this. "We'll find out for sure soon. Tomorrow will be...something."

Wylla nodded and blew out a breath, her cheeks puffing out. "I'm scared."

"I don't want to go home yet," Elyn said, opening her eyes suddenly. "Let's just...stay outside for a while."

"Sure." Wylla shrugged. "Where do you want to go? And don't you have work in a bit."

The corner of Elyn's lip lifted and she opened her satchel, showing them the apron in it. "In a bit, yes."

"I have to go visit Nara," Asmeen said, looking at the twins. "So you want to come?"

"No, you go on," Wylla said, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'll take El somewhere."

See you next chapter!

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