Chapter 13

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"WHEN we get out of here, you can tell Alda that I'm done with her scarf," Asmeen told Aven as they were eating their dinner. "After two, three days in here, I'm sure I'll be done."

He laughed. After spending an hour in misery, Aven had caved and asked the nurses for something to do. They'd brought him some books. Asmeen hadn't known anyone could read so fast. And Aven claimed he was reading slowly, so that he wouldn't burn through the books and therefore be left with nothing to do, again.

She'd even tested him on one of the books he'd read. He remembered most of it. Truly amazing.

"It is coming along well," Aven said, looking at the piece. He'd seemed quite impressed with her knitting, so Asmeen had told him about larger projects, like Nana's blanket. Apparently he'd been impressed by the blanket as well, when he saw it while visiting Nyma's house.

"You could make a living out of this, you know," he said offhandedly. Then he began to cough, scratchy sounds coming from his throat.

"What?" Asmeen asked when he quieted, her eyebrows furrowing.

Aven nodded. "Nyma is willing to pay for a scarf. And I'm sure plenty others would be willing to pay for your goods. They're pretty high quality, you know."

Asmeen let out a soft scoff, looking away. "I wish."

"Why not?" Aven asked. "Plenty of people earn this way, you know."

Asmeen shrugged, and thankfully he let the subject drop.

"We haven't argued at all today," Aven said suddenly. When Asmeen looked up, his eyes were mischievous.

She grinned, shaking her head. "I think that part of us only comes out in that field. Do you think we'll start fighting again, once all this is over?"

One corner of Aven's lips rose. "I'm sure once I insult your handwriting, and you say I smell bad, we will."

Asmeen laughed, even though her stomach twisted. The day had shown her how pleasant Aven could be, when they weren't under pressure. In fact, if they'd met under different circumstances, Asmeen was pretty sure they'd have been friends.

"Let's try not to," she suggested.

Aven's eyes narrowed playfully. "I remember making this promise twice already." Asmeen shot him an exasperated look and he nodded, sobering slightly. "I will try my hardest."

She gave him a satisfied nod. "As will I." She gave her empty bowl back to the nurse, Aven doing the same.


Asmeen turned to see Wylla and Elyn striding towards her. Other trainees had also come, heading to other people's beds, and Asmeen assumed that training had finished for the day.

"How are you?" Wylla said, beginning to talk instantly. "We visited in the morning, but you were asleep, and we've been so worried—"

"I know, I know," Asmeen said, smiling. "I'm fine. Still sick, so don't come to close."

"Thank Bjóll," Wylla said. Then she caught sight of Aven behind her and nodded at him. "Good evening."

"Good evening," Aven said, in return. Even Elyn nodded at him.

"Thank you so much for my knitting, Wylla," Asmeen said. She gave Wylla a grateful look then turned a very pointed stare to Elyn.

"I'll have you know that the knitting was my idea," Elyn said, crossing her arms.

Wylla, beside her, scoffed loudly. "Oh, please. You said to bring her notes, and then you saw the scarf, and you said, 'Oh, let's bring this, too,'."

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